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My Love by Harley Wolfe Jr. (Hugh Hoyland) - Short, Gothic Horror - A grief stricken lover makes a deal with the devil in hopes of being reunited with his lost love. 9 pages, 4 characters, PG-13 Rating - pdf, format
Why is it when people mourn the dead, they make a deal with the devil and not God? Kind of a moot point since there wasn't a devil in this one. Watch those log lines.
The story was Gothic throughout. I'm not sure the ghost was misunderstood definitely was not bad.
The dialogue was wooden and stiff, especially the grieving fiancé. Long block of dialogue when he asks Lord for forgiveness for things we have already figured out.
When Jessica woke up the Butler, we knew it because Butler told us. It's a scene that should be shown to us.
The writing was okay except for some grammar errors.
This was a classic old fashioned kind of tale, and I did like that, the writing was pretty good, but the dialog was not very strong, it felt a bit off to me and it just didn't work. It just read very awkward. Still it fit the theme and genre so g0od job on completing the OWC.
As folks have said before me, this was quite overwritten. A lot of redundant description and dialogue throughout. Additionally, the reactions of the characters didn't quite track. There was a lot of quick movement and emotional shifts, apparently to get to a certain visual, but they didn't really make that much sense.
And then, after all the redundant overwriting, the most crucial part of the script, and all we get is 'POP!'? What happened there? A written sound effect doesn't really tell us anything.
But it wasn't all bad, not by any means. The basic premise was pretty neat and I did like the twist where the gypsy is as lost about the appearance of the ghost as the rest, although I didn't appreciate the racial stereotyping.
The act of writing is a quest to put a hundred thousand words to a cunning order. - Douglas Adams
I think this was pretty good for a OWC. It does need some work though to tighten it up.
I suggest that you read it out loud to yourself, especially the dialogue. You'll be able to hear what areas need help.
I think the best part of this was when he had heard the noise and goes to investigate. I liked the way you built it up there.
Award winning screenwriter Available screenplays TINA DARLING - 114 page Comedy ONLY OSCAR KNOWS - 99 page Horror A SONG IN MY HEART - 94 page Drama HALLOWEEN GAMES - 105 page Drama
it had gothic ingredients - gypsy, portrait, grief, manor, butler, lost love etc but, a cake they did not make. others have already picked up on clunky dialogue, that comes with practice. there are some plot holes that need filling. from what I can tell, the butler was in the room waiting, yet didn't answer his master when he called for him? how did he make the shot in the darkness? i am tired so i may have missed something (like the shift key - yes yes i know)
This one started out well. I liked the writing style. And you did nail the gothic atmosphere - kudos on that (alot of the OWCS seem to have missed the tone that the challenge was shooting for.) You pulled it off. Congrats.
RE: the story - basic premise would work well: a man hires a gypsy to bring back his love. But the woman is actually a con, only interested in burgling the mansion. The ghost of his sweetheart returns to save the day, and he gets a last lingering look at his departed.
The story - as written - meandered too much, dialogue was wooden and often 'on the nose'. Yes! I am a servant of the devil stands out as an example. (Another is 'I have something that I wish you to do.' Agatha: What do you wish me to do.) Too many "wishes" - change up the wording!
Done with more "mood", and a focus on Gregory's grief, and this could work. Needs a structural revamping to do it, but it could be worth it IMO!
Add a wheelchair and this one fits a couple OWCs. I guess the misunderstanding here is an identity issue? Why some character intros in CAPS and others not? The majority of the negotiation/intro felt superfluous. The “POP” caught me off guard without knowing a gun was present. Talking up a ceremony so long without a pay off felt awkward. Good atmosphere, dialogue too on the nose for my taste. The cool ghostly happening was off screen. Thanks for playing OWC.
Regards, E.D.
LATEST NEWS CineVita Films is producing a short based on my new feature!
The dialogue is cheesy at points and there is a lot of description. It's not a bad story but there's nothing new here. The ghost speaking to James in his dream is a bit coincidental.
tone down the dialogue a bit. reads like a parody rather than gothic horror.
plus theres a lot of filler. however you forgot some key elements like introducing the gun.
this was pretty good. not the best i've read, but definitely one of the better entries. its a shame too because with some better dialogue and tighter descriptors, i probably would have voted for it.
This is your vintage Gothic setup with the dead man in the mansion grieving his dead wife. I thought the gypsy was a nice touch. But, after a promising beginning, I think the story fell victim to a rather basic ending.
Regarding the death of Jessica, at one point Gregory says "she died suddenly without warning." Later James tries to convince Gregory it wasn't his fault. But James says, "Wasn't it?" So, how did she die? This is a big plot point that's missing from the script.
James dialogue about seeing the ghost of Jessica came off as very expository. Seeing this actually happen would have helped.
I couldn't figure out if the gyspy had actually summoned the ghost or not. If she did, she shouldn't have been that surprised at her presence.
If the voice in the darkness belongs to Agatha the gypsy, she wouldn't be a DISEMBODIED VOICE.
A few unfortunate typos hurt the read here: "its hinges CREEK loudly" "Please stop torturing yourself over the lose of Jessica." "He can barley hold the candles"
Not too bad overall. It moved quickly, but was missing the rich detail that I think a Gothic horror story needs.