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Beauty Behold by Steven Burton - Short, Drama, Fantasy - Gloria changes her focus from outer to inner beauty after a natural disaster accident. 5 pages - pdf format
I like your creative approach to title pages. I have a suggestion. If you are going the route of an unconventional title page, get a little more creative. There are a couple of authors who go all-out with their title pages. I don't suggest you mimic them per se, but you can do much better with a little bit of work.
For the screenplay title, I would go with a font that is different than Courier 12 point. That way, it will go with the picture and the story, and not with your name. With the size of the picture you used, I would go with something bigger with a style that complemented the picture. Have some fun with it.
For your name and contact info, I would stick with the standard Courier 12 pt. It should look strictly business.
I took a minute and played around with the page you made for this script. Here is a link to what I made:
If for whatever reason you want me to eliminate it from this site, I will do that immediately. On the other hand, if you like it and want to go with it, you can copy the picture or if you want to do it yourself, the font I used Edwardian Script 30 point.
This is a weird story to say the least. Very loose and a lot of telling without showing. As for the title page, I’m sorry but it is just a photo image of a woman perpetuating beauty. I’m really not a fan of this at all. Sorry Michael but that title page does not do the script any favours imo.
My Screenplays:
Two Moons The Deadly Fruit Of Original Sin Bugger Bugger The Implosion Resistance The Pearl Earring (Series) No Time For Love. [/b]