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Zack, erotic….like Asian porn?? Sorry, that line is still stuck in my head LOL.
Scripts Available: Christmas Joe (Holiday Drama) Every Time It Snows (Holiday Drama) Happy Holi-DNA (Holiday Romance) Let That Pony Run (Family Drama) With Love, From Romance (Holiday Romance) Essex (Historical Drama)
Shorts: Santuario (OWC Writers' Choice) Seven Minutes But This Ain’t Heaven (OWC Writers’ Choice) Buona Fortuna Christmas At The Piggly Wiggly ...and many more.
Hints? Hint?!? I haven’t even come up with a proper outline for this challenge yet, though I’m pretty sure of a couple things so I’ll offer you this…
What if you were offered a _____ for a day…?
Good for you! I'll always be LC unless... I could be LMAC (married name, but sadly I'm not the rapper type), or LAC incorporating middle name, but that's too much like yours so I'll refrain. I think I should concentrate on just writing again after a forced hiatus.
That hint sounds very interesting! Funny, was just having a convo/debate the other day about there being no limit to what money can buy and everyone/thing having a price. It reminded me of a certain movie. Of course I could be way off base.
Good for you! I'll always be LC unless... I could be LMAC (married name, but sadly I'm not the rapper type), or LAC incorporating middle name, but that's too much like yours so I'll refrain. I think I should concentrate on just writing again after a forced hiatus.
That hint sounds very interesting! Funny, was just having a convo/debate the other day about there being no limit to what money can buy and everyone/thing having a price. It reminded me of a certain movie. Of course I could be way off base.
Intriguing already. Keep those hints coming.
Interesting. The A is my middle name too, but with the initials SAC I’ve gotten some kidding over the years. All in good fun.
What’s the movie you’re referring to? Curious now.
And I assure you, bananas were not what I had in mind. For the challenge, anyway.
Interesting. The A is my middle name too, but with the initials SAC I’ve gotten some kidding over the years. All in good fun.
What’s the movie you’re referring to? Curious now.
And I assure you, bananas were not what I had in mind. For the challenge, anyway.
I betcha' my middle name is not the same as yours. Okay, I was gonna drag it out and give you a hint for another hint in return from you, but I won't torture you.