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Thanks for reading, Mark! I made a mistake with the names. Should have spelled it CAIT if it were more informal,
Glenn is a major piece of work. I wanted to paint him as the total corporate clone to contrast Caitlyn's more artistic non-conformist personaiity. He's greedy, cold, calculating and would sell out the world (including his sisters) if it made him money.
Your comment about the chumminess...Yeah, I'll agree with you. He may feel that way towards them, but they would probably prefer to keep him at a distance.
Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently - Dove Chocolate Wrapper
What the hell was I thinking? No doubt the minute Caitlyn gets out of this jam she's high tailing her cute little bootie to the nearest Hot Topic and gothin' proper.
She'd still be wearing her boots, just a different shirt and ripped up jeans instead of her black leather mini and fishnets.
Here's some suggested explanations for her lumberjack look: She was still paranoid and freaked out about secret agents trying to kill her, so Sawgrass convinced her that changing her look might through them off a bit. It could also Sawgrass's attempt to "get her to undress" so that some "action" could have occured in the truck prior to arriving at the diner.
Thank you very much for checking this out, Tonka! I'm glad you liked it
Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently - Dove Chocolate Wrapper