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  Author    Friday the 13th: The Beginning  (currently 5491 views)
Posted: June 24th, 2008, 6:49pm Report to Moderator

So, what are you writing?

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Friday the 13th: The Beginning by Jordan Wiebe (theboywhocouldfly) - Horror -  Based on the screenplay by Victor Miller - Camp Crystal lake, a place where children go for new experiences and to make new friends.  And on this lake, when a young boy dies, a legend is born. 115 pages - pdf, format

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You will miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
- Wayne Gretzky
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Posted: June 24th, 2008, 7:38pm Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

Show. Don't tell.

Erlanger, KY
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You already know my thoughts on the script Jordan, but I thought I'd do a quick recap to let other know what I think.

I think this is a great fan fic. The prequel half of the script is perfect. It's dramatic, touching, and haunting. I really enjoyed your take on Jason and his Mother. You developed them both very well and I felt for young Jason when he drowned.

The remake half isn't quite as strong. it seems like the original 90 minute movie smashed into 45 minutes. Because of this it seemed a bit rushed. That's not to say the remake half doesn't have its strong points. The kills will satisfy any Friday the 13th fan and I actually think you developed the group of counselors pretty well considering how much space you had. And the final chase scene was very suspenseful.

All in all a good prequel/remake. I enjoyed it.


Don't get it right. Get it written.
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Posted: June 24th, 2008, 8:01pm Report to Moderator
Been Around

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Jordan, seriously, what the hell is this? This movie is already being produced. It is pointless to me. I decided to read it because I thought it would be a fan prequel by reading the title. And it was--for the first thirty pages. Those pages were solid and nicely-written as is to be expected from you, but you completely threw that away when you decided to transcribe the original movie and took out the parts you didn't like (and perhaps modified some deaths too? I cannot remmber the original Friday quite vivdly). If you're gonna call it the beginning, make it the beginning and don't turn it into half and origin story/half a half-assed remake. It was a complete waste because you had a nice take on the origin of Jason and Pamela's killings which never came full-circle.  

If you were going to do what you did, you should've just called it Friday the 13th--not "The Beginning". The title is completely misleading. I know I might sound quite harsh but I cannot believe you actually made your remake segment exactly like the original. The dialogue at the diner was exactly the same as I remember it in the original Friday, you just trimmed some fat off of it. Sorry, but this left me with a bitter taste in my mouth. 4/10

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Posted: June 24th, 2008, 8:08pm Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

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Well, this oughta be an interesting review.

I'm so far removed from the source material that I won't be able to draw many comparisons.  That could be a good thing though, since I'm sure you'll get a fair number of those.

Technically, to start off, you should cap the people who are milling about the opening intro.  They're doing a little bit more than just standing around.  These are featured extras.

This is a pretty fast read, and I'm definitely breezing through it.  I think I just hit the end of the first act, which seems to be at page 52 unless I missed something else.  Nothing really struck me as a break prior to that though.

Knowing what I do know about the story, I think you've done a good job of adding in some foreshadowing elements and building on the characters a bit.  There are some spots that could be trimmed down a little I think, but no big deal.

After reading through the 1957 portion and getting into those characters so much, I found it pretty odd to jump forward 20 years and then have to start learning about an entirely new set of characters.  A whole lot of character development here, definitely.

Reading the ending, I noticed that you left a pretty big part out of the original.  Actually, you left what is probably one of the biggest crap your pants moments in cinematic history out...hahaha.  What you have works, but it makes it seem more like a drama than a horror.

Anyway, I'm going to pick up the original at the video store probably in the next few days since this got me interested in checking it out again.

Overall, a little beefy in spots, but good and I enjoyed it.

Shelton's IMDb Profile

"I think I did pretty well, considering I started out with nothing but a bunch of blank paper." - Steve Martin
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The boy who could fly
Posted: June 25th, 2008, 3:32am Report to Moderator
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British Columbia, Canada
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Thanks for the reads and comments Zack, Gomez, Shelton and Pia.  This was kind of an experiment for me, to try and do an adaptation in a way, kinda like what Rob Zombie tried with Halloween, I just hope mine isn't as hateful and dreary, I tried to make most of the people as real and normal as possible.

I know the most common question I will get is "why do a fanfic?" and the answer is cause I can   I wanted to know if I could adapt another film, it was pretty interesting to do.

I do know that the script feels like two separate stories, I kinda wanted it to have that feel but maybe I should have found a better way to blend them together.

I know that fanboys will probably not like this but I wanted to give Jason a new angle.

Thanks again for the reads and comments, it probably needs a little trimming and maybe some more fresh idea's.

Private Message Windows Live Messenger Reply: 4 - 34
Posted: June 25th, 2008, 9:13am Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

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I know the most common question I will get is "why do a fanfic?"

What most people fail to realize, is that a good chunk of a screenwriter's salary is usually earned via assignments, or writing someone else's idea.  True, this is something that is pretty much not sellable, but at least you know you're able to generate a script based on existing material.

Shelton's IMDb Profile

"I think I did pretty well, considering I started out with nothing but a bunch of blank paper." - Steve Martin
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George Willson
Posted: June 25th, 2008, 10:41am Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

Doctor who? Yes, quite right.

Broken Arrow
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I'm probably going to have a different perspective on this one. Unlike several of the others, I've seen EVERY movie out of the series...and to make it more amusing, I disliked most of them. But for some reason, I have them all on DVD at home. I'm such a freak, sometimes. Oh well.

Now that the peanut gallery has stopped saying, "Sometimes?", we can move on.

I'll have to say, I did chuckle at your description of "Frank Capra would love this neighborhood." He was a freak too. Anyway, my first real thought is to consider your target audience. This is a fan fic aimed at fans of the series, so the ironic commentary that foreshadows the "summer you'll never forget" comes off as very silly because we already know what will happen to him this summer. If you lose every bit of that type of dialogue, your audience will appreciate it.

"Pretty handy with a knife"? If I can request anything, I repeat the former comment. Please, oh please, dump the ironic dialogue. It would actually be more dramatic if she were extra careful with knives and the forthcoming incident caused her to overcome that fear or caution. Maybe she doesn't like knives at all at this point.

Having reached the end of day one (aka page 20), I'm thinking you're pulling some cliches here. You're setting up the characters to be shadows of what they'll become, which is not bad, but oh so typical. What would work better from a dramatic perspective is if they are polar opposites of what they'll become and their experiences change them (clearly, for the worse). Rather being afraid of the water, imagine Jason being very, very confident of his swimming abilities. After all, he swam in the family or neighborhood pool, right? Surely, he can handle a lake. Well, maybe he overestimated his abilities and while trying to swim across the lake, he got tired. That never happens in a public pool. They're too small. Granted, I haven't reach that point in the story, but we'll see if I'm right about what you'll do for the drowning...

Yeah, I figured it would be something like that. Poor kid gets in over his head, but if you'll recall from the movies, Jason is always seen struggling in the middle of the lake. How'd he get there, hm? I know it's a new take on it, and in all fairness, what actually happened isn't ever discussed with any level of detail beyond the counselors screwing around, so your take isn't a bad one. You just need to consider what people would NOT expect, and through that methodology, you'll find something even better. Moving on...

You need to consider the one year later scene... It's only one scene, and brief to be sure. Only about as long as the opening scene of the original film, as a matter of fact, but you used total strangers and a different venue than in the original film. Consider this: use the same location as the original film had where they're fooling around in the loft, but use Howard and Phyllis. It provides the necessary relation to the original, ties it in rather neatly, and gives some rather immediate satisfaction, since you're shifting the story anyway.

Oh, now here's an odd switch. You turned Alice into Steve's wife, and names the cook girl at the beginning, Jenny. Why do that? I thought for a moment making them married was a nice touch, but only if her role remained. Hm, I'll read on.

I see you didn't appreciate Ralph surviving the first movie...

Check 109. You have ALICE in place of PAMELA for the dialogue. And dude, kneeing a girl in the groin is a pointless gesture. And it appears that you may have started with a copy of the script since you left in the line from the officer that Alice's folks were on their way up. Not as likely if she's in her late 30's.

Ok, my overall impression is kind of how I felt at the end of the Halloween remake with the deaths. You did the same thing here that they did there. You reduced the suspenseful build up to the murders into a quick knife slash. Rob Zombie's Halloween did that with almost every single killing in that there was no long slow build into the inevitable, but a quick zip and it's over. The washroom scene in F13 was one of the most suspenseful in the film. You truncated it down to a couple pages and sucked all the suspense out of it. Alice's (your Jenny) ride to the camp was another of those instances where it was suspenseful originally, but it was zipped again down to a simple knife slash. From that, you also miss the setup of the jeeps (you know what I mean).

A thought I had here was that rather than remake the original, you could just show what happened in the following year. It's called Camp Blood before the first film, so why not switch it all to 1957 and some of the original counselors coming back and being more attentive this time. It would be a far tighter script, use the same characters throughout, and really give Ralph something to freak out about. This would also give your story some more originality since you'd be free to do with the characters as you please.

How to end it without wiping out the villain? Check out the original Black Christmas. While it doesn't end perfectly, it also never shows or defeats the killer. When the movie ends, he's still out there. Remember that Pamela's only goal is to prevent the camp from opening. After a massacre, she will have accomplished that, so nothing further will happen, and no one will have caught her.

My only other thought was that the further we went on, the more typos you had. And not the misspelling kind either. You had the type that spell checkers don't catch. "To" for "too" happened a lot, for instance, but you got to the point where you were ripe with typos. Might be worth re-reading yourself to at least clean those up.

Just my two cents.

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Site Private Message Reply: 6 - 34
Posted: June 25th, 2008, 9:59pm Report to Moderator
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I got up to page 59...that's where I'm going to stop and I'll give you my review and advice up to there.  I've read the reviews and see that basically, after where I am, it's a carbon copy (for the most part) of the original movie, but in an extremely edited, shortened version.

I don't want to be harsh or negative.  What I'm going to say is what I feel and I hope it helps advance your screenwriting techniques.  I see lots of issues here though, and I'm actually quite surprised that no one else has pointed these out...especially George.

Your first 55 pages are all an intro to the original story (movie).  Although they definitely add a new life to Jason and Mrs. Voorhees. there really isn't much here...and at 55 pages, it's hugely inflated.

This is what I want to comment on, and give you some critique.

The standard "rule of thumb" is that 1 page of script equals 1 minute of screen time.  I personally don't agree with this completely, as I know that based on a number of factors, that could go up or down quite a bit.  But, for the most part, we have to assume that there is some truth to this assumption...and I know there is!

Let's talk about the factors that can change the norm in screen time vs. page.

Heavy dialogue based scripts - When characters speak long and multiple lines, the screen time will increase, unless the actors are part time auctioneers.  No one can (or would) speak in normal conversation extremely quickly, and when you have many, many lines of dialogue on a page, it's going to mean that the screen time for that "page" is going to be longer than a minute...sometimes it could be alot longer than a single minute.  With long dialogue, there aren't many line breaks, which means more words on the page.

Heavy action scenes - Unless you're writing in an extremely exact or flowery nature, most action scenes that contain "alot" going on, will have more screen time than the average 1 minute per page.  Like in a war movie, where tons of secondary characters are interacting, your written "action" and "description" on a single page will most likely  take more than a minute of screen time.

In your script, you have inflated the length of the written script vs. the actual screen time of the movie hugely.

Your dialogue, for the most part is 1 line long per character.  Many of these are only a few words long.  Therefor, you are using many line breaks, and lines in general, for something that the actor will spout off in less than a few seconds.  The more interaction between characters when this is occurring, means the more lines and pages for extremely quick conversation, with little happening other than the exchanges.

In your action and description segments, you have, for some reason, chosen to write in single lines, as apposed to paragraphs, and used line breaks for the next line.  In many instances, you've used literally double the lines that you could have if you had used standard paragraphs.

This makes for an extremely easy read, and definitely follows the "show more white than black on the page" guideline, but it is very decieving in overall content of the actual movie that we're trying to view in our head.

For instance, through your first 10 pages (and these first 10 pages probably have the most actual content in your script, because most is setup and description), you have 1,690 words, and 371 lines of text.  Now, I'm no expert, and do not pertain to be anything of the sort, but I'd say that your word count is roughly 65%-75% of where it should "probably be", and your line count (which is more important, as it takes up more space on the actual page) is roughly 50%-60% of where it should be.

What does this mean?  To me, it means that your intro (the beginning...the back story of Jason and Mrs, Voorhees), which goes about 55 pages, is actually only about 25-30 minutes of screen time.  It could actually be less, based on the fact that not much is really going on here.  Your entire script is 114 pages, so this "intro" is just about half you entire movie, meaning it would most likely clock in at less than an hour.  If the 2nd half of your script is truly a retread on the original movie, than that portion of "your" movie is another 25-30 minutes (unless you radically changed your structure and formatting), which is basically 1/3 of the orginal movie's length, meaning you've really carved it up.

I hope this makes sense to you and you understand what I'm trying to tell you.  I don't know why you chose to make this script look so much longer than it really is, because if you attempted to add to the original, while still maintaining most of the original content, you should have done just the opposite, and written in a way that would allow you to put more on a single page in terms of content, than in terms of more empty lines and white space.

Hope this helps and makes sense.  I do like what you wrote about Jason's camp experience and backstory of why Mrs. Voorhees became who and what she did, but it's just too many pages, and not nearly enough content or action for me.

Best of luck to you.
e-mail Reply: 7 - 34
George Willson
Posted: June 26th, 2008, 8:04am Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

Doctor who? Yes, quite right.

Broken Arrow
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Having read Dreamscale's post, I was at least curious, since page length is actually something that people look at from the start. Technical rules aside, that is something worth evaluating, so it's actually a good catch.

Does one page of script equal one minute of screen time? No, that's an average. That's also why scripts are written the way they are. On average, when the entire script is looked at, the total number of pages will often equal the total screen time, give or take a few minutes. If it's take, hey, you can pad it with credits if the story's good enough. But this page vs time ratio is one of those reasons format is so important.

Are there some places here where the description could be condensed? Yeah, there are several instance where some short descriptive sentences are part of the previous sentence and could be combined into an action paragraph. Will this necessarily trim the film down to under an hour? I think that's a bit of an exaggeration, but for the author, I think it would at least be a worthwhile exercise to cut down those lines and see how many pages you have left.

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Site Private Message Reply: 8 - 34
The boy who could fly
Posted: June 26th, 2008, 10:22am Report to Moderator
Old Timer

British Columbia, Canada
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Thanks for the reads and comments everyone, most appreciated.

Quoted from George Willson

You need to consider the one year later scene... It's only one scene, and brief to be sure. Only about as long as the opening scene of the original film, as a matter of fact, but you used total strangers and a different venue than in the original film. Consider this: use the same location as the original film had where they're fooling around in the loft, but use Howard and Phyllis. It provides the necessary relation to the original, ties it in rather neatly, and gives some rather immediate satisfaction, since you're shifting the story anyway.

I was thinking of that, but I figured they wouldn't be working there after what happened to Jason, I think they would wanna be as far away from that place as possible, maybe two of the other counselors.

Quoted from George Willson

Oh, now here's an odd switch. You turned Alice into Steve's wife, and names the cook girl at the beginning, Jenny. Why do that? I thought for a moment making them married was a nice touch, but only if her role remained. Hm, I'll read on.

I changed most of the names in the script, i dunno why, just felt like it, i kept some key players names the same though.

Quoted from George Willson

And dude, kneeing a girl in the groin is a pointless gesture.

haha, maybe but i always wanted to see a girl knee another girl in the groin

Quoted from George Willson

How to end it without wiping out the villain? Check out the original Black Christmas. While it doesn't end perfectly, it also never shows or defeats the killer. When the movie ends, he's still out there. Remember that Pamela's only goal is to prevent the camp from opening. After a massacre, she will have accomplished that, so nothing further will happen, and no one will have caught her.

i think pamela has to die or why would jason come back for revenge.

Quoted from Dreamscale

Your first 55 pages are all an intro to the original story (movie).  Although they definitely add a new life to Jason and Mrs. Voorhees. there really isn't much here...and at 55 pages, it's hugely inflated.

The standard "rule of thumb" is that 1 page of script equals 1 minute of screen time.  I personally don't agree with this completely, as I know that based on a number of factors, that could go up or down quite a bit.  But, for the most part, we have to assume that there is some truth to this assumption...and I know there is!

Let's talk about the factors that can change the norm in screen time vs. page.

Heavy dialogue based scripts - When characters speak long and multiple lines, the screen time will increase, unless the actors are part time auctioneers.  No one can (or would) speak in normal conversation extremely quickly, and when you have many, many lines of dialogue on a page, it's going to mean that the screen time for that "page" is going to be longer than a minute...sometimes it could be alot longer than a single minute.  With long dialogue, there aren't many line breaks, which means more words on the page.

Heavy action scenes - Unless you're writing in an extremely exact or flowery nature, most action scenes that contain "alot" going on, will have more screen time than the average 1 minute per page.  Like in a war movie, where tons of secondary characters are interacting, your written "action" and "description" on a single page will most likely  take more than a minute of screen time.

In your script, you have inflated the length of the written script vs. the actual screen time of the movie hugely.

Your dialogue, for the most part is 1 line long per character.  Many of these are only a few words long.  Therefor, you are using many line breaks, and lines in general, for something that the actor will spout off in less than a few seconds.  The more interaction between characters when this is occurring, means the more lines and pages for extremely quick conversation, with little happening other than the exchanges.

In your action and description segments, you have, for some reason, chosen to write in single lines, as apposed to paragraphs, and used line breaks for the next line.  In many instances, you've used literally double the lines that you could have if you had used standard paragraphs.

This makes for an extremely easy read, and definitely follows the "show more white than black on the page" guideline, but it is very decieving in overall content of the actual movie that we're trying to view in our head.

For instance, through your first 10 pages (and these first 10 pages probably have the most actual content in your script, because most is setup and description), you have 1,690 words, and 371 lines of text.  Now, I'm no expert, and do not pertain to be anything of the sort, but I'd say that your word count is roughly 65%-75% of where it should "probably be", and your line count (which is more important, as it takes up more space on the actual page) is roughly 50%-60% of where it should be.

What does this mean?  To me, it means that your intro (the beginning...the back story of Jason and Mrs, Voorhees), which goes about 55 pages, is actually only about 25-30 minutes of screen time.  It could actually be less, based on the fact that not much is really going on here.  Your entire script is 114 pages, so this "intro" is just about half you entire movie, meaning it would most likely clock in at less than an hour.  If the 2nd half of your script is truly a retread on the original movie, than that portion of "your" movie is another 25-30 minutes (unless you radically changed your structure and formatting), which is basically 1/3 of the orginal movie's length, meaning you've really carved it up.

I hope this makes sense to you and you understand what I'm trying to tell you.  I don't know why you chose to make this script look so much longer than it really is, because if you attempted to add to the original, while still maintaining most of the original content, you should have done just the opposite, and written in a way that would allow you to put more on a single page in terms of content, than in terms of more empty lines and white space.

Hmmm, i guess on the page count thing is i dont have my paragraphs over 3 lines, i dont like large paragraphs, it may make the script a big longer, but i don't think that much, for me it makes it an easier read so i do stick with the 3 line rule for myself, just the way I am,  I have to admit im not really one that knows everything about the technical stuff, i just do it the way thats best for me, im kinda stubborn in that

thanks again for the reads and comments

Private Message Windows Live Messenger Reply: 9 - 34
Posted: June 26th, 2008, 12:44pm Report to Moderator
Guest User

Hey "Me", I'm not saying that someone wouldn't read this because it's too easy of a read, but I am saying that it's very obvious that the script length (page length) is padded and bloated, and the actual screen time would be far less than the average 1 minute per 1 page of text.  I mean look at the intro runs 55 pages!  Do you think that intro would really run 55 minutes of screen time?  It wouldn't even be remotely close.

e-mail Reply: 10 - 34
Posted: June 26th, 2008, 12:53pm Report to Moderator
Guest User

Hey Jordan, I understand that we all write the way we like to. No problem with that at all.  But, do you agree that by writing "paragraphs" that consist of 1 line of description, a line break, another 1 line of description, another line break, etc., that you are padding the length of the written script quite a bit?

As I said, your script clocks in at 114 pages.  The first 55 are an intro.  Do you see your intro running anywhere near 55 minutes of screen time?  I don't see it going much more than 25 or 30 at the max, adn if that's the fisrt half, then the entire movie would be less than an hour.  Do you agree with this or am I missing something here?

Just curious how you see this.
e-mail Reply: 11 - 34
Posted: June 26th, 2008, 1:39pm Report to Moderator
Guest User

Me, I understand about an easy read vs. a hard read, and more white on the page vs more black, but this one is a different story for me.  It's just way over the top padded with line breaks.  If that's the style of the writer, that's cool, but you have to understand that the actual runtime of this movie is very short compared to the 114 pages of text.

That's all I'm trying to say.
e-mail Reply: 12 - 34
The boy who could fly
Posted: June 26th, 2008, 2:19pm Report to Moderator
Old Timer

British Columbia, Canada
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I know it wouldn't run 114 min, probably more like 100 min, the original script was 85 pages and it had a lot of line breaks in it, so I know this would not run 60 min, I seen a lot of scripts with 1 or 2 line descriptions and broken down a lot, for me I like it that way, just makes it easier is all.

Private Message Windows Live Messenger Reply: 13 - 34
Posted: June 26th, 2008, 5:20pm Report to Moderator
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Jordan, I don't mean to be kicking a dead horse here, but I'm just confused.  You say you see your movie running around 100 minutes.  Based on that, are you saying that your intro (55 pages, just about literally half the entire dcript) is going to run roughly 50 minutes then?
e-mail Reply: 14 - 34
The boy who could fly
Posted: June 26th, 2008, 5:24pm Report to Moderator
Old Timer

British Columbia, Canada
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yes, that is what I was intending, kinda split it in two halves.

Private Message Windows Live Messenger Reply: 15 - 34
George Willson
Posted: June 27th, 2008, 8:24am Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

Doctor who? Yes, quite right.

Broken Arrow
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I see that I may have gone back and forth between two thoughts during my review when comes to what to do with it. I had two main trains of thought, but what they had in common was to keep the script fully encapsulated and not remake the original within the opening story. That was why I mentioned Pamela living because she has to survive this time period to do what she did in the original film.

After some thought, you could have enough material in just the story of Jason dying at camp to create a full length screenplay. Consider Jason's story to be one of growth and overcoming obstacles to the point that finally takes the plunge into the lake himself. Your initial drowning scene could be one where he is actually saved in the nick of time, everyone gets a good scare, and we wonder what you're up to. We know he drowns, and we would believe that Howard doesn't make it there in time, but note that he is within range of the lake, and he hears the scream, and he comes running. After he goes under the last time, we think it's all over, but poof, he comes through and up pops Jason with a new resolve to learn to swim so he won't drown. He also resolves to learn to protect himself from the bullies, maybe even earn their respect. Right now, he's a whiny child, and while his story is sad, we'll still only be like "that sucks" and move on. We know he's going to die, and we're waiting for it to happen, so when it does, it doesn't really hurt that much.

But if he gets to the point of overcoming, he grows as a person, and in the final moments of the story, he has happiness, contentment, and hope for a brighter future (and loves camp), then the sudden tragic death will hit that much harder. Whatif he learns to swim during the course of the camp, earns the trust and confidence of the counselors to the point that Malcolm sneaks off again with the assurance that "don't worry about them, Jason's right there." The bullies could strike one more time with a joke of "oh help me, I'm drowning," and then laugh when Jason swims out there. No one finds it to be a big deal, just a waste of time. Oh, but then something wraps around his leg (something previously established as having that potential, of course), and he is struggling. Now, people think he's being silly trying to get the bullies back out there. And he goes down.

No one even thinks about it until he doesn't come back up. Then they go for help. Then it's too late. Pamela has her spat, and you could end the film with the first scene of the original with the one year later shot of the killing.

You have your chance here to develop and give a lot of sympathy to a horror villain. Might as well use it.

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Site Private Message Reply: 16 - 34
The boy who could fly
Posted: June 27th, 2008, 10:16am Report to Moderator
Old Timer

British Columbia, Canada
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I was actually thinking of doing that, make the whole script be about his summer camp expeirience and death, I just couldn't find enough to fill a feature length script without it turning into meatballs...haha.  If I had enough material I think it would be a good idea.

Private Message Windows Live Messenger Reply: 17 - 34
Posted: June 27th, 2008, 10:55am Report to Moderator
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George, I don't agree with making this all about young Jason at camp.  It would be way too boring, especially considering this is a horror movie.  Maybe even more important, not only is this a horror movie, it's a franchise that just about everyone is familiar with.  With that familiarity, comes expectations, and the expectations with any Friday the 13th flick is kills, and lots of them.  No one would want to sit through an hour and a half of a young teen camp flick set in the late 50's.

A coming af age camp movie is not going to cut it, so to speak.

As far as I'm concerned, at 55 pages, the intro is already way too long.  The auther says this intro will last 50 minutes...I think it looks like it's about 30 tops.  Either way, it's too long for the few things that take place.

I say either cut the intro down to 15-20 minutes, or add some kind of "horror" to this beginning...something that fans of the series would be interested in.
e-mail Reply: 18 - 34
Posted: June 27th, 2008, 12:37pm Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

Show. Don't tell.

Erlanger, KY
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Quoted from Dreamscale
George, I don't agree with making this all about young Jason at camp.  It would be way too boring, especially considering this is a horror movie.

I respectfully disagree. I think it could work and I think it'd be great. Who says it has to be horror. It can be drama.


Don't get it right. Get it written.
Private Message Reply: 19 - 34
George Willson
Posted: June 27th, 2008, 2:11pm Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

Doctor who? Yes, quite right.

Broken Arrow
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The dramatic element here could be the doting mother and the potential thriller angle. Jason is a total mama's boy throughout the series. If mama says, it goes. He could come to camp with her, but she feels he should stya in her cabin with her because they did not come for him to enjoy himself. He wants to stay in the boys' cabin, and this is encourage by the people at the camp. Consider that perhaps "things" could happen to people who mess with her baby. Not deaths, necessarily, but perhaps the nurse would be busy this summer. And always seems to be the doting mother who never leaves her child alone. Her greatest fear happens when Jason slowly becomes self-sufficient and even has fun with his new friends. It could actually be quiet cool.

Sure, it doesn't fit the franchise, but the franchise consists of poorly made, character and drama free films that are kind of like porn: pointless, throwaway scene, then someone gets screwed. Why can't we actually put some life into the series?

And as for material, if you work to create compelling characters and fill out enough of them, just characterizing a half dozen characters could fill a second act very easily. Make the characters do what they would naturally do, and if you do it well enough, we'll be engaged in where they're going.

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Site Private Message Reply: 20 - 34
Posted: June 27th, 2008, 2:30pm Report to Moderator
Guest User

I like that angle much better actually.  Maybe there could actually be some "accidental" deaths even, while Jason is alive.

There needs to be some action though for sure.  The dialogue needs to be engaging, which I don't think it is now.  And as you said, the characterization needs to be ramped way up so that we have likeable and interesting characters all the way around.
e-mail Reply: 21 - 34
George Willson
Posted: June 27th, 2008, 3:25pm Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

Doctor who? Yes, quite right.

Broken Arrow
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Adding in a boatload of characterization would add at least half length of the first half as it stands now. If the characters were tweaked all around with a false alarm where Jason doesn't drown and Pamela gets in a good I-told-you-so before it actually happens in a drawn out dramatic sequence, you almost have the whole thing if you shoot for 90 minutes.

And forgive me, I promise I'm not trying to re-write your script for you.

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Site Private Message Reply: 22 - 34
The boy who could fly
Posted: June 27th, 2008, 3:51pm Report to Moderator
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British Columbia, Canada
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Quoted from George Willson
The dramatic element here could be the doting mother and the potential thriller angle. Jason is a total mama's boy throughout the series. If mama says, it goes. He could come to camp with her, but she feels he should stya in her cabin with her because they did not come for him to enjoy himself. He wants to stay in the boys' cabin, and this is encourage by the people at the camp. Consider that perhaps "things" could happen to people who mess with her baby. Not deaths, necessarily, but perhaps the nurse would be busy this summer. And always seems to be the doting mother who never leaves her child alone. Her greatest fear happens when Jason slowly becomes self-sufficient and even has fun with his new friends. It could actually be quiet cool.

And as for material, if you work to create compelling characters and fill out enough of them, just characterizing a half dozen characters could fill a second act very easily. Make the characters do what they would naturally do, and if you do it well enough, we'll be engaged in where they're going.

I think that would be interesting, I wouldn't wanna make Jason into a mama's boy, I did that script already and we all know how that turned out..HAHAHA

but yeah, I think it could work, I think most of it would have to take place over one day cause the instant something bad happens I'm sure they would shut down the camp immediately, but I'm sure their is a work around.  Pamela could somehow find a way to psychologically terrorize those who mess with her son, that could be nice and twisted.

Private Message Windows Live Messenger Reply: 23 - 34
Posted: June 28th, 2008, 8:37pm Report to Moderator

British Columbia, Canada
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Hi Jordan.

This is now the second version of a Friday script I've read on this site (Zack's was the first).  Even though I've never seen any of the movies I know enough about them to understand that they were meant to be campy fun as much as they were pure horror and I think you've captured that tone pretty well here.  

Little touches like having Jason say things like 'shucks' and 'gosh' create just the right irreverent tone, I think.  It felt a little tongue-in-cheek at times but I could sense that you have a lot of affection for his character and the movie.  As well, did I also detect a little 'Spoiled' influence in some of the scenes?

The killings, when they come, come fast and furious.  There's very little time to pause or reflect and you sense that all of these characters were created for the sole purpose of being killed but that's fine.  I think this is what the fans would want anyway.  We know it's coming so why drag it out or pretend that maybe that branch snapping was just a harmless squirrel when we know that it isn't.

The ending was a little vague to me.  Did Jason survive the drowning somehow?  Maybe that's a part of the lore about Jason - that he never dies or is unhuman somehow.  It was just a little unclear to me.  Also - did you change the ending  - because it seems to be pretty much on par with what I remember about Zack's script?

Overall I don't really have any suggestions for you.   I thought maybe the Susan character could survive since she seemed to be the only one of the group that wasn't horny.  Maybe Mrs. Voorhees could take pity on her, seeing that she's not like the others.

It was a very quick read and the best part of it was the sense of fun you seemed to approach it with.  It kind of reminded me a bit of Poltergeist in that way.


"If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it." - Albert Einstein
Private Message Reply: 24 - 34
The boy who could fly
Posted: June 29th, 2008, 10:46am Report to Moderator
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British Columbia, Canada
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Quoted from mgj
Hi Jordan.

Hi Mike

Quoted from mgj

Jason say things like 'shucks' and 'gosh' create just the right irreverent tone, I think.  Little touches like having Jason It felt a little tongue-in-cheek at times

Yeah, I tried to put a little tongue-in-cheek  in it from time to time.

Quoted from mgj
did I also detect a little 'Spoiled' influence in some of the scenes?

Dear Lord no.  I would never pollute these boards with something like that again

Quoted from mgj

Even though I've never seen any of the movies I know enough about them to understand that they were meant to be campy fun as much as they were pure horror

You should, they can be quite entertaining.

Quoted from mgj

The killings, when they come, come fast and furious.  There's very little time to pause or reflect and you sense that all of these characters were created for the sole purpose of being killed but that's fine.

Yeah, the killing come pretty fast, I thought since i didn't have an actual kill till like 55 pages into the script it does happen pretty quick, I did try to put something in between each kill but maybe I should have a little more.

Quoted from mgj

The ending was a little vague to me.  Did Jason survive the drowning somehow?  Maybe that's a part of the lore about Jason - that he never dies or is unhuman somehow.  It was just a little unclear to me.  Also - did you change the ending  - because it seems to be pretty much on par with what I remember about Zack's script?

Jason comes back as the hockey mask killer later on in he series, he is like a zombie I guess.

Thanks for the read Mike and you comments.

Private Message Windows Live Messenger Reply: 25 - 34
Posted: July 3rd, 2008, 9:09pm Report to Moderator
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Hi Jordan!

I thought I would check this one out being a Friday fan and I have to say although I have only read the opening 53 pages so far, i think it's probably one of the best Friday fanfic scripts that I have read so far.

I have read a few of the previous reviews so I know that from here on it goes into more of a remake of the original and I will read that tommorow but I enjoyed the first part(s) quite a lot.
Most of all, I found it an easy and quick read which just seems to make you want to read more so thats a definite plus to your writing which I think was excellent. It was simple to the point and at times, funny and sharp. The dialouge flowed with no problems, it kept building development of Jason and Pamela  and the storyline and gave us some background info on Jason's father which I think was great.
After reading a few of the other comments about making this more of part 1 then of the remake, maybe even drop it that Jason's dad is dead. You could have him come down to the lake to try and unite with Pamela and it could help cause more chaos. I like how you explained his death though and it does all add up fine the way you have it here, as well as Pamela being so good with knives having served as a cook in a military unit before.  Certainly helps to explain her stealth in some of the killings in the original movie so Im hoping its similar when I read the rest.

I think you wrote the mother and son scenes really well, it seemed real and typical of the times ( at times) and although it was obvious how Jason was going to meet his apparent end, I think the bully angle works with this character. If  Rob Zombie was to make a remake, I think he should have done Friday 13th instead of Halloween as his and yours ideas kind of match in that respect. I think I've always looked at Jason as a sympathetic villain because of his reasons ever since part 2 came out, I even rememeber my older sister rooting for him. So of all horror villains to create sympathy for, I think Jason is the one and you did a really good job with this.  I just hope the actual remake follows this kind of line of direction.

Just some things that flashed through my head when reading, I like that you have crazy Ralph as the canteen helper and although he seems nuts already I like that you included him in. The camp setting descriptions were minimal but completly adequte, no need to go in detail about such things and most of the dialouge from all the characters seemed real enough to pass off. When Jason watches the couple swimming late reminded me of Tommy from part 4. The opening page was particulary eye catching with the way you wrote it and that style continued to where I am now, so Im hoping the rest will be just as good. It makes me want to watch the original again just before I read your version.

So I will sum it all up after a couple of reads but a really good read so far.  Good job!

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Private Message Reply: 26 - 34
The boy who could fly
Posted: July 4th, 2008, 11:19am Report to Moderator
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British Columbia, Canada
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Thanks for the read Scoob, hope you like the second half, it's more like a remake of the original Friday, but i do switch a few things around and added and removed a few things.  

The skinny dipping scene is kinda like the scene with Tommy in part 4, i figure i should at least have one scene like that in the script since it is in almost every Friday movie.

Anyways, i hope you like the second half.  thanks again for the read.

Private Message Windows Live Messenger Reply: 27 - 34
James McClung
Posted: July 4th, 2008, 9:24pm Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

Washington, D.C.
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Okay. I'm only ten pages into the script but I gotta ask... what's the deal with Jason? He seems like a totally normal kid. I skimmed some of the previous comments and I gather you don't want to do the whole Spoiled thing again but still, isn't Jason supposed to be mute and deformed? Does this have something to do with the Victor Miller script or are you just trying to distance yourself from the original material? How much of this has to do with the Victor Miller script, anyway?

Just curious.

Private Message Reply: 28 - 34
The boy who could fly
Posted: July 4th, 2008, 11:26pm Report to Moderator
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British Columbia, Canada
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Quoted from James McClung
Okay. I'm only ten pages into the script but I gotta ask... what's the deal with Jason? He seems like a totally normal kid. I skimmed some of the previous comments and I gather you don't want to do the whole Spoiled thing again but still, isn't Jason supposed to be mute and deformed? Does this have something to do with the Victor Miller script or are you just trying to distance yourself from the original material? How much of this has to do with the Victor Miller script, anyway?

Just curious.

I made Jason a normal kid in this one, i didn't want to do the mutated retard cause that is kinda boring for me, i like it when the bad things happen to normal people, to me it is creepier than a freak show so i went a different path.  the second half of the script is a re make of the original, kinda like a double feature...haha

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James McClung
Posted: July 17th, 2008, 2:36pm Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

Washington, D.C.
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Hey Jordan. Sorry for the delay. I'm in the middle of making a short movie so my hands are pretty full right now. Anyway, a couple notes...

- In their first encounter, I'd say Jason lets Wille slide calling his mom a wench. He doesn't react at all. Fix.

- Jason should resist when Howard offers to help him out. He'd probably figure it's just gonna get him beat down.

- Norman's story sounds a little unbelievable. How big was this fucking tree?

- Why doesn't Willie try to lie about making fun of Jason and Norman? Seems like he would.

- Kids say "Hell's Bells?"

- A little too long to get to Jason's drowning and not all that much happens in between now and the begining. You could just cut down on some dialogue and descriptions and leave the story the same. Stuff like the two guys trying to figure out what right is. I liked that scene but it could probably go. Just to cut down on a few pages.

More later...

Private Message Reply: 30 - 34
James McClung
Posted: July 29th, 2008, 3:47pm Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

Washington, D.C.
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Finally finished. Not sure what to say about it. Both sides of the story worked in and of themselves I think but I'm not sure how they worked together. It seems weird to introduce new characters in the middle of a script to an entirely new situation. I don't know how else you could have done it though. Maybe use the second half as your main story and insert flashbacks of Jason's backstory, maybe told through other people. There's gotta still be people at Camp Crystal Lake who were there while he was alive. It's all a matter of structure, I think. Otherwise, you've got a pretty good slasher and a pretty good backstory for Jason. I'd say now it's just a matter of finding a better way for them to fit together.

Private Message Reply: 31 - 34
The boy who could fly
Posted: August 11th, 2008, 3:22am Report to Moderator
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British Columbia, Canada
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Hey James, thanks for the read.  I know the structure in this version is a little strange, I kinda wanted to have like 2 halves, 2 different genres in one story, I thought it would be a more interesting approach, or maybe I was  Anyways thanks again for the read.

Private Message Windows Live Messenger Reply: 32 - 34
Posted: January 24th, 2010, 2:59am Report to Moderator
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Sorry about the lateness of the read. Things have just been so crazy for the last... twenty months or so. But I've been on a Friday the 13th binge of late and a free afternoon on my hands, so what the hell. Okie dokie, here we go. Basically, what we've got here is two halves of two different movies meshed in to one, which is a pretty risky venture if you're not careful. But for the most part, this is a successful meshing, with one half being perhaps more successful than the other.

The 1950's stuff worked the best with me. You have a very good ear for the way kids talk to themselves and how they interact with adults, and I think that kind of thing doesn't have much bearing on what period you're in. Kids are kids, and aside from a slight attitude decay and more common STI's, kids today aren't really all that different from back then. I thought that stuff was pretty well-written, especially the building rivalry between Jason and Willie. I'm guessing you're a Stand By Me? The only real quibble I have about this section is that Norman has no reaction to Jason's disappearance. You have Pamela's reaction, the cops reaction and the reaction of the counselor's, but nothing from Jason's only friend? I would've liked a little something, even if it was just a scene. Maybe something with the baseball card? Other than that, I thought this was an excellent prologue.

I think the transitional scene with the murder of the two counselors the next year is pretty unnecessary. We know who the killer is going to be, it's mentioned later that there a couple of murders after Jason's drowning so it doesn't really need to be there. I suppose you could make the argument that it's important because it's Pamela's first kill, but I dunno. In a weird way, it kind of felt out of place for me. To go from sweet, protective mum to psycho killer in absolutely no time at all was pretty jarring. I'd scrap it, but maybe you have your reasons for including it.

The second half, the adaptation, is the less successful section for the simple reason that it moves too fast. You have characters that are introduced and then killed literally a scene or two later, and you have far too many kills in too little space. It's overkill, in the most literal sense of the word. Too much happens too fast, and that's including the final throwdown between Pamela and Alice. Also, when Pamela shows up it's a little bit of a "so-what" moment. It's obvious, even to one who isn't as initiated as you or I, that she's going to be the killer. And when she just shows up at the end, it's too flat for such a dramatic plot-turn. It was inevitable that she returns to the story and I think if you're going to do her whole back story then there's got to be some added twist to her reappearance.

But those are really my only gripes. I like a lot of the changes to the original film, especially the relationship between Steve and Alice and the story about what happened to their son. It's interesting to think that Alice and Pamela actually have this thing in common, the loss of a son. Maybe there's something there? Anyway, I also appreciated the added dimension of Brian's feelings for Alice. Of course since everyone is getting slaughtered, it doesn't really amount to anything. But it's a very nice addition, gives a little complexity to what could have been as standard as any of the later sequels of the series.

Overall, a good script. The pacing was nice and you really captured that Friday the 13th vibe very nicely. It's a shame that by about the third or fourth film that had evaporated from the actual movies, it's nice to see it back. I'm sorry again that it took so long for me to get around to this one, but I'm glad I finally did. Good work! So... sequel?
Private Message Reply: 33 - 34
The boy who could fly
Posted: January 29th, 2010, 4:30am Report to Moderator
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British Columbia, Canada
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Oh my, this got dug up from the grave!!!  thanks for the read Matt, glad you liked it, but there will be no sequel, this was my one and only fan fic, i did have ideas for a sequel involving a christian summer camp, i thought it be kinda funny, but i don't think its in the future.  thanks again for the read.

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