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A.M.A. by Deep Blue - Short, Sci Fi - Meet A.M.A., the latest in self-driving car technology! She’ll get you where you need to go in comfort and style. She anticipates the flow of traffic for a speedy arrival. She’ll engage you in pleasant conversation to pass the time. And SO MUCH MORE!!! - pdf, format
The logline needs work - but did not grade the script on that basis it's an OWC after all.
Very much liked the concept. Interesting and worth the read.
The Protag carrying on about the "who you would save" in a crash scenario with AMA seemed a little out of place once Gary realizes that this is not your normal machine. I think he would have given up on that line of questioning. Just went to the well once or twice too often there.
That is a minor criticism - overall this is a solid script with an unique story.
A pretty solid mystery that's maybe a little straightforward. I never wondered whether A.M.A. was wrong, and I don't feel like we (as the audience) got to be in on much of the sleuthing...A.M.A. just sorta knows everything. As a brief and breezy exploration of a sci-fi concept, though, very readable and well paced. Just be nice if the stakes raised/lowered/changed a little more than the straight through line that we have now.
Might have been neat if we though he had a chance of escaping, too. Anyway, solid work and a fun read.
Not bad. Well written, but a lot of exposition in places. I think if you trimmed some of the dialogue this could make for a very tight piece. It seems like there's this whole question and answer bit going on with AMA and Garry that just goes on a tad too long. The way it is doesn't work for me. It has potential, though, and if you put the extra time in I think you got something. Good work!
Not for me. I lost interest about half way through. Nicely written but I just am not into robot characters, and with the best will in the world, it's been done - the idea of a computer turning on a human is a SF cliche. Also, unless this is the first time round, wouldn't people notice all these dead passengers popping up?
I noticed that not only did it share a automated driver with "Sorry Dave", some of the dialogue was the same - demonstrating the limitations of these ideas perhaps?
After reading the logline, I thought I might be in for some cab sex. After reading the script, I thought the ending was confusing. What gives AMA the authority to do that? Must be the same that invades the privacy of this world's citizens. Anyway, it's a good idea and I did feel the burn of the interrogation, even if I thought it was going in another direction. LOVE the last line of dialogue. Good job, even if the ending gave me stinky nose.
With Sci-Fi the budget is a bit higher but with it being only in a cab might pull it off. Well written for the most part just some places where dialogue is a bit long. I liked the exchange about the choices of who to kill. The ending is pretty straight forward and for a short, most will want some twist. Pretty good overall. Will comment more on story elements when judging is complete. Good luck with this.
My Scripts: SHORTS Bed Bugs I Got The Shaft No Clowning Around Fool's Gold Five Days for Redemption
Well done. I enjoyed the way you developed this; you have an instinct for timing. The guy gets ensnared in the either-or ethical questions, reveals himself bit by bit, and is (yes!) trapped. There's a satisfying inevitability to this. Henry
Good job. I liked this one. I wish it had been a little more up and down. It was a one-trick pony with the trolley problem. The author (and we all love authors) should have been clever enough to counter AMA's banter about the first death and the research into cruise deaths. It was too easy for AMA.