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  Author    It's Coming - OWC  (currently 2048 views)
Posted: April 19th, 2019, 9:00pm Report to Moderator

So, what are you writing?

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It's Coming by László Görög - Short, Horror - The crew of a subway tunnel digging machine unearth something that was never meant to see the light of day again. 12 pages - pdf format

Writer interested in feedback on this work

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You will miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
- Wayne Gretzky
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Posted: April 20th, 2019, 11:04am Report to Moderator

Orlando, FL
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It seems you've put an awful lot of thought into this underground world you've created.  Lots of technical jargon that was hard to follow or visualize for much of the time but felt it was real and sincere.  You made me believe in this underground operation and the people who made it work.  

It could be that everything was so over described and technically detailed that I had trouble losing myself in the story.  I had to go back and re read passages to make sure I understood what was actually happening.  

I don't know anything about rock drilling or what was accurate or inaccurate.  All I can say is that I had a very hard time keeping track of the chaos.  

You obviously have a strong talent for descriptions and action.  But I would dumb it down a tad bit and make all your techno jargon more reader friendly so we can concentrate on the chaos of the moment and not get a headache.  

The canister of Satan was very "Prince of Darkness".  This would be a nice setting if they ever decide to do a remake.  Which I'm sure they will.    
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Posted: April 20th, 2019, 10:21pm Report to Moderator
Old Timer

No sh*t, there I was....

Tucson, AZ
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I enjoyed reading this; you either know what you're talking about when it comes to tunnel boring or you're very creative and convincing when making it up!

Well written, no issues. I bet you wish you had another couple of pages, I think. It seemed to end a little too abrupt? Regardless, nicely done.
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Posted: April 21st, 2019, 12:45am Report to Moderator

The Great Southern Land
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Is the Operator's Cab the vehicle in question?
There are so many locations on foot.
A tunnel classify as vehicle?

You've clearly put a lot of work into this, so credit due.
The trouble is (jmho) all the info load and tech description makes it a bit dry and ironically light on visuals. It also slows building suspense.

Good effort. I just think it needs streamlining, less characters, just have them stuck underground in a cable car (or something) and then I'm going to feel the suspense.

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Posted: April 21st, 2019, 9:39pm Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

Down Under
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Hey I loved this! Even all the techie rock drilling stuff was cool. The dialogue was snappy and pretty real without being too cheesy.  I would SUPER exactly where it is right at the start - ok, we have American workers but the tunnel could be anywhere in the world I guess.

Loved how you utilized every page and din't waste any space. Lol at the inadvertent use of another script FIRST RESPONDERS at the end. The ending is good too  and theres scope here for a possible feature or at least a 40 pager.

I've read 9 so far and this is my fave.

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Posted: April 22nd, 2019, 3:35am Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

A man who has taught his mind to misbehave

Sydney, Australia
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Hi writer,

This felt more like adventure than horror, although there was a bit of suspense. I think the horror is yet to come, we just didn't see any off it.

It also feels more like an opening to a feature than a contained short.

I'd be lying is I said I knew what I was meant to be visualising a lot of the time, I also didn't understand a bit of what they were talking about.

In saying that the writing is top notch and the dialogue is exceptionally good, the parts of it I could understand that is  

Not entirely sure why the devil lives in a black box, but sure, why not.

A pretty solid entry.

All the best

Private Message Reply: 5 - 17
Posted: April 22nd, 2019, 7:06am Report to Moderator

Not in Britain
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This was very well written. For a short though, I felt there were too many characters and a lot of technical lingo that by the end was starting to overwhelm me.

Not much of a horror for me, and the ending was too abrupt.

But I'll give you this: Writing was on point and this would easily make a great opening for a feature. A boring company building a tunnel for a new Hyerloop train uncovers an ancient demonic artifact. What's not to like about that?

One of the better ones I've read so far. Great job!

Producer/Director of The Dollmaker by Matias Caruso
Producer/Director of So Pretty/Dark by James Williams

Revision History (3 edits; 1 reasons shown)
Britman  -  April 22nd, 2019, 8:38am
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Posted: April 22nd, 2019, 9:39am Report to Moderator

It's okay with me.

Columbus, IN
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I really liked this one! It immediately put me in the mind of the better parts of GHOSTBUSTERS II. This had so much machinery, though, that I had a hard time imagining them without pictures. The great part is that it didn't detract from the story, so you did well there.

The horror element is definitely intact there. And it, literally, was a mystery box. I can picture the lens flares now.

The dialogue was excellent. I particularly liked the lines:

We already wrecked an 18-milliondollar machine; we can’t afford to
lose a lowly mining engineer, too.
And my kids think you’re such a
good guy...

Also loved it that you named a background guy Jack Garner. I hope that was intentional because you're a Rockford Files fan.

Superb effort overall. Thank you for contributing!

"I remember a time of chaos. Ruined dreams. This wasted land. But most of all, I remember The Road Warrior. The man we called 'Max'."

THE PINBALL WARRIOR (scifi, WIP, ~30 pg.)
A STAND AGAINST EVIL (short, 9 pg.)
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Site Private Message Reply: 7 - 17
Posted: April 22nd, 2019, 1:26pm Report to Moderator
January Project Group

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Reminded me a lot of Quatermass and the Pit, no bad thing in that!

Well writtenm, though perhaps a little too technical in places - can be hard to balance authenticity and flow.

But thought you built the world well and the characters had depth.

Might be only me but I was a little disappointed with the last couple of pages, the convenient linguist and the Devil as the answer just felt a little rushed/obvious.

Very decent effort though.

Anthony Cawood - Award winning screenwriter
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Site Private Message Reply: 8 - 17
Posted: April 22nd, 2019, 2:14pm Report to Moderator
January Project Group

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Feels weird that they'd have this huge piece of equipment that they can't retrieve after the project is complete. It's fancy enough to lay its own concrete, but it's built for a one-way job? So, giving you the benefit of the doubt... this is one super-specific task the machine was built for. (After completing my read, I see we never actually learn what their task is. That's fine, didn't bother me.)

My media background is flaring a bit. The camera is with the talent? Nope.

And, can't mention saints on TV? That's silly. I worked in broadcasting for 20 years and never once heard anyone say something anywhere close to that.

"build of a rock driller 20 years before" And, we, the audience watching this short will know this how? Build of a rock driller, maybe. 20 years before?

What just happened? An explosion... no, they breached a cavern.. no, they hit a strange rock material. Or, all three? This could be clearer.

They seriously stop to check their laptop!? He just said he'd buy drinks if they make it out alive... but first, let me check my email. (I thought it was unbelievable enough that they even bothered to carry the cases out in the first place.)

Not bad. Writing was pretty good. Excellent vehicle choice. Completely different. Horror was light... not really present until the last pages. But, there was good suspense. All in all, a strong entry.

I'd suggest making the character actions a bit more logical as they attempt their escape. Rework the reveal of the message somehow. And, for my sake only... fix the lines about the media.

60 Feet Under - Low budget, contained thriller/Feature
The Hand of God - Low budget, semi-contained thriller/Feature
Wait Till Next Year - Disney-style family sports comedy/Feature

Many shorts available for production: comedy, thriller, drama, light horror
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ghost and_ghostie gal
Posted: April 23rd, 2019, 12:26am Report to Moderator
Old Timer

A helluva long way from LA
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I liked the writing overall aside from the particular notes from others, so for future reference... just be careful to not overdo it with all the techno jargon.  Audiences just want to be entertained. So does the reader.  This has some claustrophobic atmosphere that could be very creepy if filmed as well.  I would expand a little more and give it more depth, but don't want to mirror what's been said so far.  I did like this though.  Just a coupla thoughts, hope they help, otherwise, ignore.

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Posted: April 23rd, 2019, 4:52pm Report to Moderator
Guest User

Title Page - Hmmm...written by László Görög, the Hungarian actor?  For reals?  Why else would someone put that name on their script?  Interesting to say the least.

Describe your characters right when you intro them...don't wait until the next passage.

Well, this is interesting so far, and it sounds legit, but why leave an $18 Million machine underground?  Why not bring it back up so it can be used again?  Strange...

I'm wondering if there are issues with your Slugs, as they all seem to be INT.  Just because we're underground, we're not necessarily in an INT scene...unless we're actually inside a structure, vehicle, etc.

Page 7 - in a POV, you should only write what the POV picks up.

Page 10 - I've seen a few instances where you're omitting the word, "the".  Each time in front of cube.  Why?  It reads poorly like this.

Here's another example -

"The CAMERA ZOOMS IN on one block of text, then moves on to next one."  You need "the" in front of "next".

Writing is showing signs of being rushed.  You're missing words, typos, and then, "Now we HEAR" - we'll hear everything that makes a sound in the film.  You don't want or need to write it this way.

OK, the end.

I have to be honest and say that the last few pages are nowhere as good as the first 9 or 10...writing-wise and strory-wise.  I like the reveal, much like CArpenter's Prince of Darkness, but I don't like how you got to that.

Things are going to Hell and they have time to check a computer?  And this linguist deciphered it that quickly?  Nah...that doesn't work.  I think everything else worked quite well, although it is tough to visualize much of this, not knowing exactly what this machine looks like, or the cube thing either.  If I were you, I'd rewrite the last few pages and come up with a way that makes sense, time-wise, for them to know what they're dealing with.

I really like the effort here to go way outside the box, and this is not an easy undertaking.  I don't know if any of this is legit, but I bought it, and that's saying something.

Good work!

e-mail Reply: 11 - 17
Posted: April 23rd, 2019, 5:18pm Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

Show. Don't tell.

Erlanger, KY
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I've had a rough day. Woke up to find that my pet Cockatiel had passed away in the night, then I had to stay and cover an extra shift at work.   I did however manage to squeeze this script into my lunch break, and I'm glad I did.

I loved pretty much everything about this. Most of the technical jargon went right over my head, but I appreciated how authentic it seemed. It really set the mood well.

Great writing throughout. Liked all the characters and I could picture them clearly in my head.

The end with the black box and what was inside was kind of chilling. I actually got goosebumps.

Top marks from me. Great work here.

Don't get it right. Get it written.
Private Message Reply: 12 - 17
Posted: April 24th, 2019, 3:28am Report to Moderator
January Project Group

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Meet Astrid. 300-feet long, weighs 2,000 tons, and costs 18 million dollars. – A very unique choice for a vehicle, so kudos for originality but it does mean this entire script is unproducible based on this alone. Although it’s not a criteria for the OWC, you never know who’s browsing these forums looking for scripts to produce so it is always worth bearing in mind.

This one took too long to get going. It was around page 9 or 10 where it finally got interesting and then you had to wrap it up quickly. More sci-fi than horror. It had moments which were no doubt inspired by Event Horizon but as no horror actually occurred this one doesn’t count for me. If you had started with them breaching the cave and finding the cube by page 2, you could have done so much more with this.

Loads of potential but not quite there in the current draft.


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Site Private Message Reply: 13 - 17
Posted: April 24th, 2019, 4:07am Report to Moderator
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A good story that took too long to tell. I also don't like the Devil being the thing in the cube. The alien angle seemed the best one to me.

A good writer... I only skipped a little toward the end. The linguist part could be cut and perhaps some tightening to get this down to 10 would have made this a winning script. It's not overly told like a couple of the other good scripts on here. No show-boating.
e-mail Reply: 14 - 17
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