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That was well written. You put me right into the thick of the war and I felt the emotion, I just couldn't figure what was going on. Was (some) of these scenes these visions Thomas mentioned? Memories? Precognition? In the end, I couldn't piece it together, sorry.
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Okay this was really great effort. The writing was good. You've got plenty of intrigue, emotion, powerful moments. But I couldn't put it all together. Wanted to cuz there's definitely something here. I think he's having visions of someone in the past that he never met but feels a connection to. Like they're linked or something.
And it leads him to make the right decision, sacrificing himself whereas this person in a past life failed to do so. It reminds of an episode of Buffy where a spirit is reliving an event they regret through people in the present day.
I like the fate aspect, the visions prepare him for what's to come, being brave enough to take action, save a fellow soldier and sacrifice himself in the process. Knowing he can face his worst fear, he can rest, that's what I'm taking from it. I think a little more clarity on what scenes are his visions and which are reality would help. It is well written though, just confusing. Good effort.
A nice telling of the horrors of war. The writing had its moments of strong emotions as well. The timeline was easy for me to follow so a really good job there. Overall, I liked this one.
Imaginative use of the flashbacks/reincarnation angle, I got to like Thomas, cared for him even.
Great use of the distorted timeline, it actually added to the story which was great and was easy to follow. The ending was satisfying as well, the headaches have gone, he has been brave to make up for failures in a past life (or perceived failures in a past life)
My only gripe is the Chaplain is very quick to condemn this man to death and stop trying to save his life, wouldn't want him next to me. I would go more into what the Chaplain is doing (applying bandages, giving pain relief, applying pressure) rather than just being a bit like "Yeah looks like your gonna die so I'm gonna sit here"
Reaching, as in reaching through time and space. This is definitely a curious analysis of reincarnation, and the back and forth regarding injuries that seemingly persist through the aether of time. I’m wondering, however, if Thomas from WWII would have a limp, kind of a give and take through time of these men, somehow connected to each other via some thin gossamer of consciousness, that being WWII Thomas feels a consistent pain in his leg cause Thomas of today caught one in the leg. Just a thought.
I’ve always believed time is not truly linear in a sense (we just perceive it that way), but each successive moment in time holds a position of a particular dimensional frequency, and it (time) being infinite because the dimensions of space are infinite, making something like this plausible because you only have to tune your consciousness to a particular frequency to experience various dimensions of time itself.
Anyway, I vaguely remember a documentary about a 6-year-old boy (American I believe), who had visions of being a Russian Pilot who was shot down in WWII, including very detailed aspects of the war and his mission to assume he didn't just make it up, so… creepy but there appears to be a hint of truth to these strange matters. I like this for its other worldly aspects. Best of luck.
I liked this, very well written. But I'm not sure if I really understood it. He says the visions started when he was six. Yet, this doesn't really seem to fit in with the rest of the story. Maybe I just didn't get it, I don't know. But the rest of this was effective. Good work.
Well written and effective. It's an intriguing idea, regret and shame that transcends one life to affect a whole other lifetime. The time jumps help to hook and create a mystery, and the ending is paid off with an emotional beat.
It does feel rushed in places, but you packed a lot in to get it within the page limit. It could use another pass to improve the pace and give some moments room to breathe and even expand for even better effect.