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 Do we tolerate the outright trashing of scripts?
Zero tolerance (14 votes)
Case-by-case (11 votes)
Sometimes maybe if the author is a dick (9 votes)
Screw 'em, no holds barred (3 votes)
Don't even care, not a problem (1 votes)
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  Author    Totally Trashing Scripts  (currently 12063 views)
Posted: February 11th, 2012, 9:05pm Report to Moderator
January Project Group

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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Zero tolerance.

If the author's a dick then they don't deserve feedback, and the constructive approach is to ignore them and focus on scripts that are worthy of attention.

If you comment on a script, your primary intent should be to aid the script's writer in bettering their work.  Reviews which are clearly written with the intent of being "entertaining" do not accomplish this.  Reviews with excessive profanity or creative criticisms rarely accomplish this.

As Breanne rightly states above, reviews on Simply are offered in the spirit of generosity and selflessness.  I think it's generally pretty clear if a reviewer is keeping that in mind or not.
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Site Private Message Reply: 45 - 162
The boy who could fly
Posted: February 11th, 2012, 9:06pm Report to Moderator
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British Columbia, Canada
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James McClung
Posted: February 11th, 2012, 9:10pm Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

Washington, D.C.
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Quoted from Scar Tissue Films
I think you've got to adapt to whom you're talking to...if it's an experienced writer, or someone you know well theres's more leeway, but if they're relatively new you should encourage them or stay quiet.

I disagree. I've read a lot of noob scripts and I feel like many of them start out with certain habits and mentalities that need to be done away with right away. The sooner, the better.

And while I think that they're entitled to some leniency when it comes to format, some of them botch it so bad that it's as clear they barely did any research. More a symptom of carelessness than inexperience IMO.

Better to be selective what you let slide than allow writers to repeat their same mistakes in four or five future scripts just because they're finding their footing. Honestly, I'm finding more and more beginner writers feel the same way and are open to tougher feedback.

Private Message Reply: 47 - 162
Posted: February 11th, 2012, 9:12pm Report to Moderator

Orlando, FL
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The idea is for everyone to stop posting these kinds of smart a** comments and to stop amusing yourself with one liners under the guise of being "constructive".  And that's been a problem on simplyscripts for years and drives a lot of people away.

It's not like Jeff dropped by and all of the freakin' sudden it's a problem.  This is an ongoing thing on the forums and its not fun, funny or constructive.  There's a crew of members here that rally around each other and encourage this script bashing crap, and if you have the nerve to disagree with these people you're told you're out of line and way off base.  How dare you question a veteran member.  Please.

It's ridiculous.  One of the previous posters said it right.  It's a lot easier to be negative than constructive.  Constructive means reading a script in its entirety and taking careful notes.  You can hate a script by page three, and that's okay, but don't spend an entire "review" cracking bad jokes like Rodney Dangerfield.

News flash.  This is discouraging to the writer!  But I think many of you know that it's discouraging and are just waiting for the backlash so you can argue and crack more f**kin jokes.

Weak.  I've been gone awhile but I see some things never change around here

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Private Message Reply: 48 - 162
Posted: February 11th, 2012, 9:12pm Report to Moderator
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Sorry guys, gals, and Phil...I was enjoying a lovely filet mignon dinner with my parents.  Yesterday was their 50th anniversary.  Very nice to be able to enjoy it with them.

Phil, I know you're trying to bait me into saying things that will most likely get me banned, so I'm sorry, but I can't play your childish games.  You and I both know you are a flat out lair and cheater and others on here know as well.

To think that you're seriously trying to say you haven't posted completely condescending and ill-will intended feedback, for no other reason than to egg someone on to a fight or just to put them down with something you alone thought was funny, is the actual funny part.

If you think you do or ever could provide half the constructive feedback that I do on a daily basis is also ludicrous.  One of the big reasons you don't like me is because I've correctly trashed some of your scripts and you just aren't used to seeing that, and were never able to get over it.

I always found it odd how you'd PM me in the past and try to get me to go after Screenrider or whoever else was bugging you on that day, and if you want to say that's BS, don't be too surprised if I pull out those PM's and show the forum the real you.

But, don't worry, I'm not that kind of person, whether you realize that or not.  But, you keep up your BS shit-talking about me and I will, just for clarity's sake.

Phil, go back and re-read my post about the throwing of stones while living in a glass piece of shit apartment, and ask yourself if you're really being true to yourself and what you're preaching here.  It's not about your last 10 or 20 posts, Phil, it's about reality, and you need to somehow find a way to get into it. Maybe Janet can help?  I don't know, but Screenrider and I are praying for you.
e-mail Reply: 49 - 162
Posted: February 11th, 2012, 9:12pm Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

Down Under
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My 2 bobs worth:

I admit my old buddy Jeff was outta line for some comments (which he has apologized for). If he had not included the 'dogshit' and 'fucking pathetic' lines, then this thread wouldn't exist.

I thought we were gonna do something about people posting scripts but never replying to reviews? This is what causes half the problem!

I think if a new script is posted, and the writer doesn't acknowledge this by say, 2 days, then it's fair to say they aren't hanging around. Then the regs aren't wasting their reading time.

Or else, make it so an account is needed to post.

Cheers all

Private Message Reply: 50 - 162
Posted: February 11th, 2012, 10:31pm Report to Moderator
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I'm sorry, but I'm quite upset with a number of people's comments that seem to be aimed at me, whether or not they mention my name, exactly.

'Jack", you appear to be aiming your comments at me, and I'm very surprised, since I was the only one that I can see who gave you very detailed, great feedback on your script, "Kirkwood", back in 2008.

I spent many hours with my detailed notes and feedback, and I highly doubt anything I said isn't something you agree with and most likely changed in later drafts.

This is just 1 example of so many in which I've gone above and beyond what any other SS'er offered, and all for the ridiculous price of 100% free.

I'd like to hear back from you on your thoughts on this, Jack...and if I took your words wrong here, my bad, but I doubt that's the case.
e-mail Reply: 51 - 162
Posted: February 11th, 2012, 10:35pm Report to Moderator
Old Timer

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The two sides of this argument - first, Breanne is completely right in everything she says. No one in Hollywood has the time to trash anyone, and on top of that it would be bad business for them do to so. So no need to thicken up anyone's skin as long as they can take a few hundred "no's" for an answer.

The other side of the coin is that because of the hundreds of thousands whose chief impetus for writing a script was merely having an idea creep into his or her head, Hollywood now has very high walls and strong gates to keep most of us out.

Enjoying following this one from a distance, please continue...

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Private Message Reply: 52 - 162
Posted: February 11th, 2012, 11:09pm Report to Moderator

Orlando, FL
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No I wasn't talking about you or aiming at you.  But I'm just saying is all.  If we ever got into it, I don't recall the situation.  

In general...

But there are some folks that love none other than bashing other people's work as if it were a sport.  You have to admit that this is a problem on simplyscripts.

I've called people out on it before but was told to keep quiet because I haven't been around long enough.  BS.

Sorry if you felt you were targeted.  But you know what I'm talking about and so does everybody else, whether we can admit to it or not.  
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Private Message Reply: 53 - 162
irish eyes
Posted: February 11th, 2012, 11:16pm Report to Moderator
January Project Group

There`s too much blood in my alcohol

Upstate New York
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Private Message Reply: 54 - 162
Posted: February 11th, 2012, 11:21pm Report to Moderator
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Jack, I can and do freely admit that I have done this on many occasions, but, IMO,, nothing I said was incorrect or unwarranted.  Sure, some things I've said were meant to come off humorously, but again, we see this from time to time and for the most part, it's quite funny.

If that's such a bad thing, I'm guilty and I plead no contest.  But, it's so obvious that many of the actual offenders now seem to forget that they too have done the exact thing, time and time again.

But, more importantly, this whole thing is obviously aimed at me, whether your intention was aimed at me or not.  In life, you have to take the good with the fucking ugly, and I'll stand tall and proud, knowing that I've gone above and beyond, time and time again for many, many writers and their scripts in here.  To attack me or try and discredit me is beyond uncool.

The funny thing is that, many have talked about the "pack influence" here, or anywhere for that matter, and now, it seems that it's uncool to stick up for me, based on a few "influential" SS'ers, who we all know damn well.

If you guys don't like what I have to say, so be it. If you think I don't know what I'm talking about and provide feedback, again, so be it.  You want to call me out on critique, bring it.  I'm prepared and ready, and Jack, if this doesn't apply to you, that's cool, as I didn't think you and I had a problem or beef.
e-mail Reply: 55 - 162
Posted: February 11th, 2012, 11:40pm Report to Moderator

Orlando, FL
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As I said before, I wasn't talking about you.  

I'm adding my own experiences with certain people here and you are excluded.   It just so happens that you are a part of this discussion on the forum.

I just went back and re-read your Kirkwood review and your notes were awesome!  It was hard to take, but I didn't make a federal case out of it.  

And if you read my earlier posts on this forum I mentioned that we ALL need to be careful what we say to each other and lay off the one-liners that are meant to be hurtful, hateful and sometimes fueled by jealousy or the need to lash out to anyone who dares to call you out on your BS.
This has been a terrible problem here since I joined six years ago and it's usually the ones who've been here the longest that throw their weight around.

And Kirkwood is a piece of sh*t.  I re-read it a few days ago.    
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Private Message Reply: 56 - 162
Posted: February 11th, 2012, 11:48pm Report to Moderator
Guest User

Jack, as I PM'd to you, I apologize for assuming you were referring to me.  We're totally cool, as far as I'm concerned

I appreciate that you cleared this up, and BTW, as I said in my feedback to Kirkwood, it was far from "shit".  You're a good writer and Kirkwood showed so many positive writing qualities...and a Hell of alot of time and effort in terms of attention to detail and research.

Thanks, man.
e-mail Reply: 57 - 162
Posted: February 12th, 2012, 12:00am Report to Moderator
Old Timer

Wherever I go, there Jwent.

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Awesome! I'm still the only one to vote on the "Don't even care, not a problem"... I expectected better categories from you, Bert...

Aren't you like a mad scientist or something???


Off to bed, so I shall not retort... Til the morning time.

Private Message Reply: 58 - 162
Posted: February 12th, 2012, 1:49am Report to Moderator
Been Around

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Case by case.

I think, sometimes, people can get carried away. A funny negative review can make it a must read, which in turn just feeds the frenzy. But enough is enough, you don't need twenty reviews of people trying to one up each other and just solidify how bad this script is. That is out of line. You said your piece, move on.

When I first joined here, I think it might have been in it's infancy, but there was a script called Axe Massacre which was destroyed by Balt and a few others. What was funny about that, was the writer was so adamant he was right and everyone else was wrong. He's probably gone on to be successful but at the time, what made that whole thing amusing was his refusal to see where he went wrong.

That kind of reaction, I think, warrants the ridicule he ended up with. People were trying to help him and he wanted none of it. . I gotta admit. I  find that type of script trashing amusing because he got some good solid advise and in turn, responded like a spoilt kid that never got what he wanted for Xmas.

On the other hand, bashing people's scripts for the sake of it is just... sad. But if we go along the lines of "I don't like it, I wont even comment on it"  - that brings this place to a standstill.

I do think this place needs to become a little more "accessible". It's name is being tarnished and I think we need to become a little more responsible for what we post.
It's all well and good having a community but a community unwilling to help others is just pointless.

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