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  Author    The Magic Candy - OWC  (currently 1778 views)
Posted: October 11th, 2019, 11:16pm Report to Moderator

So, what are you writing?

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The Magic Candy by Dark Tower - Short, Horror, Family - Some Halloween candy purchased over the internet has some very peculiar qualities. - pdf format

Writer interested in feedback on this work

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Posted: October 12th, 2019, 10:41am Report to Moderator
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First one of the bunch, and I chose this because it was on the bottom.

The logline does not work for me at all, but that's no big thang - I just wanted to point it out.

Opening Slug - "STREET" is not very visual or unique, but what makes it "bad" is how you repeated it with your 2nd word in the passage that follows.  You then jump to carved pumpkins, which I highly doubt are anywhere near this street - they should be on front porches, I would assume.

You have a SUPER right after your Slug.  Usually...or always, you want your SUPER to follow something visual - as in unless it's OVER BLACK, and you tell us that, a SUPER appears onscreen over whatever the opening visual is.  You get me?

2nd Slug - "SAME NIGHT"?  Huh?  Never seen that before and I hope I never do again.

"A blood curdling SCREAM is HEARD o.c. Budd doesn’t hear it." - Poorly phrased.  "o.c." - "OS".  Telling us that Budd doesn't hear it isn't the way you want to write in a script.

Page 2 - I've seen this so many times and every time I just can't help myself but to laugh literally out loud.  Using "FRONT DOOR" as a Slug is just plain weird.  INT. FRONT DOOR - so, we're inside the front door?     The reality is that you're actually in whatever room contains the front door.  You get me?

Calling the cops by "normal" names seems odd.

Page 3 - Why is "James" shouting at everyone in the last dialogue block?  Strange to say the least.  Why these 2 cops would show up here is also odd.  The entire setup is odd, unrealistic, and dull, sorry to say.

Numerous pages of literally nothing but dialogue and it's all very unconvincing dialogue.  I really don't see how in the world this can go on another 7 or 8 pages...and I'm worried for my own sanity, as well.

Page 7 - sorry, but this is really bad. It's just rambling from 1 thing to the next and nothing matters at all.  There's no story here.  There's no action here.  There are no realistic and believable characters.  Hell, there's no likeable characters.

Page 8 - "DISSOLVE" - Why?  Why, why, why use a transition here?  You don't need it.  You don't want it.  Just don't use them like this, as they're a complete waste.

Lots of passive writing on display.  So many better ways to write than continually using "is".

Majority of these full Slugs should be Mini Slugs.

The end - I don't get all.  Makes zero sense, really isn't horror at all, is so overwritten and poorly written.  Just a true chug to get through.  I'm actually very proud of myself for reading the entire script, as normally I wouldn't.

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Posted: October 12th, 2019, 1:01pm Report to Moderator

Perspective without distortion.

Sherman Oaks, CA
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There was only one scream at the beginning of the script that only Mable heard which she mistakenly believed was coming from a TV. As Budd and Mable and the kids are written, the scream has nothing to do with happens afterwards. The story goes off on a tangent from there. Their dialogue seems worn and predictable. Some format errors and typos. It's a nice attempt.
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Posted: October 12th, 2019, 1:26pm Report to Moderator

London, Ontario
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Half a page in and we get the scream. You were quick to get that done with. Even though it has nothing to do with the actually story I guess it's one way to go about it.

38 pieces of dialogue in a row ... that's the most I've ever seen. For something that takes up this much space in the story you'd think would be more interesting than it was. It was fairly bland to be honest. If you decide to do a re-write I say focus on having more conflict or something in this bit. Perhaps a child of one of the officers was one of the kids who got sick.

Didn't get any feel for horror in this one. The ending maybe a bit?

Revision History (1 edits)
Lightfoot  -  October 12th, 2019, 9:50pm
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Posted: October 12th, 2019, 6:59pm Report to Moderator
Old Timer

No sh*t, there I was....

Tucson, AZ
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The banter in the beginning reminded me of my parents. Ugh, so much unnecessary yelling. I think the writer has parents/grandparents that do this?

Anyway, was the scream just from the TV? I guess that counts. But I don't see the after party clean up. Did they have a Halloween party that Mable already cleaned up? Not sure this effort qualifies. What do others think?

I was so hoping that the 'candy' would turn out to be deer droppings. Writers are missing the opportunity to squeeze in the extra credit! Not really, but it would win points with me.

The story was okay. Good effort, writer.
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Posted: October 13th, 2019, 12:14am Report to Moderator

The Great Southern Land
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Is this some weird biblical take on temptation and punishment e.g.  Lot's wife turning to a pillar of salt?

The dangers inherent in buying things off the Internet.   Grandma turns to a pillar of salt then crumbles. Magic candy. No actual party to speak off, was the scream there? Okay, it was there. And, a manufacturer warning at the end.? Atheists and disobedient children. A very different entry.

Candy bowel is an unfortunate typo. To make the mistake three times?  
No time for a proofread? Maybe your eyes were glazing over at 2am.

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Posted: October 13th, 2019, 2:49am Report to Moderator

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"Bowel" instead of bowl. I'm more amused by annoyed at that one!

Have to say you had me going with the build up. It was a good concept and I wanted to know what the candy was going to do. But in my mind I was thinking that everyone who ate it would be affected and hell would break loose. I was a bit deflated at the end.

Writing was better than most.
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ghost and_ghostie gal
Posted: October 13th, 2019, 6:47pm Report to Moderator
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A helluva long way from LA
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No argument with any of the comments above.  I liked the idea behind this one, despite not much in the way of horror.  A twist at the end would have been nice.  As it stands, I was a little disappointed in the ending.

Random thought, We’ve never seen a need to use continuous yet in our own screenplays, but I won't excoriate someone for doing it. But... and there is always a but... it is obvious to me that all those scenes are happening right after one another.  Therefore, I just didn't think you needed them.


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Posted: October 13th, 2019, 6:49pm Report to Moderator
January Project Group

Southern California
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I won't reiterate all of the format and typo issues noted above - but pay attention to them - this needs a lot of work in that regard.

To me the scream really didn't play any part in the story - I think it should have - I'm not voting so I suppose that doesn't matter.

I know you only had a week, so it's going to be tough to get something done, but there are basic things - already pointed out - that you want to have on auto-pilot.

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Posted: October 14th, 2019, 3:14am Report to Moderator
January Project Group

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Alright, let's see how this one goes. I'm not gonna go into the technical too much.

You've clearly established that Budd wears a hearing aid.

Linda wearing a Wonder Woman costume? Nice shout out.

Quoted Text
That’s why we put it in the bowel bowl
with the rest of the candy.

A bowel is a butt.

Quoted Text
A near-empty bowel with a few Tootsie Rolls.

Unintentional poop gag.

Quoted Text
Everything about Mable is slowly beginning to
lose human definition and morphs into...

You never finish this thought.


You forgot to fade out.

The story was quite good, the characters quite believable. Dialogue wasn't too off-putting. Good job and entering. It was a fun, cute, scary read.

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Posted: October 14th, 2019, 10:33am Report to Moderator
Old Timer

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The introduction of the sound was very good, I thought. The first bit of dialogue following the scream is exactly how married couples talk to - and banter with - each other. A sound Budd can't hear cos of his hearing aid. A jab and 'turn your hearing aid on'. I thought that was funny and a good start. Could see that scene so clearly.

Once we find Linda magically appearing (can't find her being introduced before that), the story took a dive. It became hard for me to retain interest / focus, so I gave up as the dialogue started ricocheting around like a pinball.

To be fair, the fact it went over my head might just be me.

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Posted: October 14th, 2019, 1:11pm Report to Moderator
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Vancouver, BC
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The scream was there, but it had no bearing on the story. Just paying lip service to a requirement is a stretch for me.

The setup is kind of interesting, especially when the so-called magic candy was revealed to already be out in the wild, given to half the neighborhood. That felt horrifying. Unfortunately, that feeling was quickly undermined by five full pages of dialogue that was little more than witty banter and didn't address the fact that the kids might have poisoned a bunch of kids. If the characters don't take it seriously, why should we?

It seems that horrible feeling was for nothing anyway. The whole point of the story was to show the dangers of atheism, or perhaps being a disobedient child, punished like Lot's wife for disobeying God.

At least there's a message in this one, as screwy as it is.

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Reef Dreamer
Posted: October 15th, 2019, 2:15am Report to Moderator
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Part time writer

The Island of Jersey
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logline - suggestive but not enough for a logline

small point but I would give the cops titles for their characters in the dialogue so that we can remember them easily - there were six voices at any one time

in some ways this stood out since it dealt with treats/sweets etc, and that aspect of halloween, more than others

the idea of buying some candy etc off the internet and it not working out seems a fine idea - who knows what could emerge

at the moment it felt like two different genres bolted on - a family drama and twliglight zone type conclusion

has a kind of theme of temptation running through it

has something but you would need to settle on the type of script you wish to produce.

My scripts  HERE

The Elevator Most Belonging To Alice - Semi Final Bluecat, Runner Up Nashville
Inner Journey - Page Awards Finalist - Bluecat semi final
Grieving Spell - winner - London Film Awards.  Third - Honolulu
Ultimate Weapon - Fresh Voices - second place
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Posted: October 15th, 2019, 9:59am Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

Show. Don't tell.

Erlanger, KY
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Another pretty lighthearted one. I like the concept of poison candy, actually surprised more people didn't go that route with this OWC. The writing isn't awful, but could definitely be tightened up a bit.

The ending here just doesn't work for me. Nothing interesting to sink my teeth into here. It needs some kind of twist or something.

Still, not a bad effort.

Don't get it right. Get it written.
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Posted: October 15th, 2019, 2:56pm Report to Moderator
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Hello writer,

This didn't come across as a horror type story for me.  You worked a scream in, but I don't think it served as part of the plot.  Your writing seems fine. The only place I noticed and it's probably not a big deal is you have a parenthetical that she is shouting, and then you cap the dialogue plus use an exclamation mark.  The reason I say that is, I was told it was overkill when I did something similar.  

Quoted Text
Mable Johnson, yes...?
(shouts to Budd)
(to James)
Something wrong, officer?

You had a lot of dialogue for sure. I think you could have trimmed it a bit and been ok.  
I think it would have been a little easier to follow if you named your cop characters in the dialogue Officer James and Officer  Alice, instead of just James and Alice.  That's just my opinion.   I bet ole Mable wishes she was a believer now. Lol.   Good luck!

All the best.  
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