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  Author    Lady Justice - Produced  (currently 2933 views)
Posted: September 1st, 2018, 8:50am Report to Moderator

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Lady Justice by David González - Short, Thriller, Action, Fantasy - The life of a crooked Mexican police officer is turned upside down when a woman walks into the police station with an old gun she found. 10 pages - pdf format

Writer interested in feedback on this work


(click the image to take you to the full version)

Read the rest at

About Hyper Epics: Home of the 3 page sagas, Hyper Epics is a bold anthology series that offers diverse and exciting comic book stories on its website - - and in print form. Each original story is packed with stunning artwork, memorable characters, and captivating stories enhanced with dazzling soundtracks. It is quickly becoming a go-to destination for readers worldwide.

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You will miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
- Wayne Gretzky

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Don  -  June 14th, 2019, 8:20pm
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Posted: September 2nd, 2018, 2:48am Report to Moderator
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All  is  deadly  quiet.

deathly quiet.

The quiet can't be deadly unless it is actually going to kill you.


There’s  yellow  tape  everywhere. 

Everywhere? Why is there yellow tape everywhere? Do you mean there is yellow police tape around the perimeter?


Blood  splashes  the  walls.

How is this happening right now? Where is the blood coming from?


Chalk  silhouettes  outline  the  floor...

How many?


A  few  feet  further...

This makes no sense.


 got  out  in  a  hurry

You get 'off' a bus.


She  casted  a  spell...



He’s  under  our  custody.

in our custody.

That's it? It doesn't go anywhere. Magical gun dispenses justice, the end.

I read it all the way through though, so you kept me in it. That's a plus.
e-mail Reply: 1 - 17
Posted: September 2nd, 2018, 6:15am Report to Moderator

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Hi Dustin,

Thanks for the read and the detailed corrections.

Some answers to your questions:

Quoted Text
Everywhere? Why is there yellow tape everywhere? Do you mean there is yellow police tape around the perimeter?

Around the perimeter, around the cells, etc. At all places of interest. I already changed "There’s yellow tape everywhere" for "There’s yellow police tape everywhere". But it's a tiny change (I couldn't come up with something better in so few words), so  I'm open to any suggestions.

Quoted Text
How is this happening right now? Where is the blood coming from?

The blood is coming from the missing corpses. I suppose this makes sense later in the scene.

Quoted Text
How many?

I think there's no need for us to know so early in the script.

I'm sorry to hear that the story didn't pay off for you. At least, it kept you in until the very end. I wasn't trying to write a typical whodunit (that's just the hook) but a contained story with a couple of small twists revolving around the theme of injustice (1 location, 5 characters).

I appreciate your interest and corrections. I already took care of them and uploaded a new draft.


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Posted: September 2nd, 2018, 11:52am Report to Moderator
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Quoted from Philostrate

Around the perimeter, around the cells, etc. At all places of interest. I already changed "There’s yellow tape everywhere" for "There’s yellow police tape everywhere". But it's a tiny change (I couldn't come up with something better in so few words), so  I'm open to any suggestions.

It can't be everywhere. It just can't. Very, very lazy writing. But, it's up to you. Maybe you're not looking to win any prizes. Some claim not to be.

I don't know whether you mean perimeter tape or perhaps yellow sticky tape used as evidence markers for forensic photos?

Quoted from Philostrate

The blood is coming from the missing corpses. I suppose this makes sense later in the scene.

How can the blood be coming from missing corpses? You're confusing tenses. That was my point.

Quoted from Philostrate

I think there's no need for us to know so early in the script.

If there's no need to know then why did you write it? It's your job to show me what is on the screen. If there are three chalk silhouettes then write that. There's no reveal in it, it's just information that is necessary for building a proper picture. The picture you can actually see. You can see it, but we only get a partial.

You write well... don't be afraid of description.

e-mail Reply: 3 - 17
Posted: September 2nd, 2018, 2:39pm Report to Moderator

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Hi Dustin,

Quoted Text
It can't be everywhere. It just can't. Very, very lazy writing. But, it's up to you. Maybe you're not looking to win any prizes. Some claim not to be.

I don't know whether you mean perimeter tape or perhaps yellow sticky tape used as evidence markers for forensic photos?

I get your point. In sake of simplicity I'll use evidence markers instead of the yellow tape.

Quoted Text
How can the blood be coming from missing corpses? You're confusing tenses. That was my point.

Okay. I suppose 'stains' is the appropiate word.

Quoted Text
If there's no need to know then why did you write it? It's your job to show me what is on the screen. If there are three chalk silhouettes then write that. There's no reveal in it, it's just information that is necessary for building a proper picture. The picture you can actually see. You can see it, but we only get a partial.

You write well... don't be afraid of description.

Okay. I get your point here too.

I appreciate your clarifications.


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Private Message Reply: 4 - 17
Posted: March 24th, 2019, 1:27pm Report to Moderator

Nottingham, UK
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Loved the title, that's why I started reading. I have a strong dislike for anything violent/involving a lot of shooting but I kept reading regardless. Some characters lacked a description, they just appeared and went (got shot). I absolutely loved the resolution - I had no idea that Sophia was Manuel's sister, I didn't see it coming! The villains (in this case corrupt spineless crooks working for police) got shot and I'm quite happy with such happy ending!

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Private Message Reply: 5 - 17
Posted: March 26th, 2019, 5:29pm Report to Moderator

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Hi Marcela,

Thanks for giving it a read. I'm glad you liked the ending.

I wouldn't say the script is that violent - IMO there's more violence in a single scene of Narcos than in this whole script - but I agree that there are a few bursts of violence that are depicted in a very graphic way. I know that this may put off some people, and I understand it, so thanks for giving it a chance anyway. I'm happy it payed off for you at the end.

I wrote the script about half a year ago and shortly after it was picked up by a prodco and we signed a shopping agreement. They wanted to include it in an anthology. Crazy. The producers were very kind, but things weren't moving, so when the agreement expired, I requested them not to renew it and asked Don to put it up again. Back to square one...

If you want a read in return, I'll be happy to reciprocate.

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Private Message Reply: 6 - 17
Posted: June 14th, 2019, 8:21pm Report to Moderator

So, what are you writing?

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Lady Justice (10 page in pdf format ) by David González (Philostrate)

The life of a crooked Mexican police officer is turned upside down when a woman walks into the police station with an old gun she found.

(click the image to take you to the full version)

Read the rest at

About the writer: David González (Philostrate) is an amateur screenwriter from Spain with three shorts optioned. His scripts have placed in various competitions, including the Inroads Screenwriting Fellowship, the Zed Fest Film
Festival and the Crimson Screen Horror Film Fest. He can be reached at davidgonzalezpn “AT”

About Hyper Epics: Home of the 3 page sagas, Hyper Epics is a bold anthology series that offers diverse and exciting comic book stories on its website - - and in print form. Each original story is packed with stunning artwork, memorable characters, and captivating stories enhanced with dazzling soundtracks. It is quickly becoming a go-to destination for readers worldwide.

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You will miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
- Wayne Gretzky

Revision History (1 edits)
Don  -  June 15th, 2019, 10:55am
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Site Private Message Reply: 7 - 17
Posted: June 14th, 2019, 9:00pm Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

A man who has taught his mind to misbehave

Sydney, Australia
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Congrats, David. Came out great. SS members are dominating over at Hyper Epics!

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Pale Yellow
Posted: June 14th, 2019, 9:01pm Report to Moderator
January Project Group

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Congrats! Looks really cool David!!
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Posted: June 14th, 2019, 10:20pm Report to Moderator

The Great Southern Land
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Looks terrific, David. Congrats!

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Posted: June 15th, 2019, 2:58am Report to Moderator
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There were no witnesses and the detectives leading the case are working 'in' several theories?
e-mail Reply: 11 - 17
Posted: June 15th, 2019, 4:04am Report to Moderator

The Great Southern Land
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I PM'd David about this. He is aware of it and hopefully they can do a quick fix.

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LC  -  June 15th, 2019, 4:38am
Private Message Reply: 12 - 17
Posted: June 15th, 2019, 6:06am Report to Moderator

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Thank you, guys.

Sean Bova, the artist, has done an awesome job.

We're aware of the error and an edit is underway.

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Private Message Reply: 13 - 17
Posted: June 17th, 2019, 12:48pm Report to Moderator
Old Timer

No sh*t, there I was....

Tucson, AZ
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David - Congratulations and welcome to the world of comics! Great story and beautiful artwork. I look forward to seeing more.
Private Message Reply: 14 - 17
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