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  Author    2019 Writers' Tournament Standings  (currently 33266 views)
Posted: July 13th, 2019, 8:07pm Report to Moderator
January Project Group

Southern California
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Congrats to the top 5 and all who barrelled through @

Warren - epic. Back to back!

My Scripts can all be seen here:
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Private Message Reply: 465 - 506
Posted: July 13th, 2019, 8:11pm Report to Moderator
January Project Group

Southern California
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Quoted from Don
Here is the breakdown:

Writer's Choice - Warren Duncan TAS: 3.68 - Scripts: 5
Second - Paul Knauer TAS: 3.50 - Scripts: 5
Third - Rene Claveau TAS: 3.40 - Scripts: 5
Fourth - John Staats TAS: 3.28 - Scripts: 5
Fifth - Matthew Taylor TAS: 3.26 - Scripts: 5
4th** - L. Chambers TAS: 3.33 - Scripts: 2
5th** - David González TAS: 3.31 - Scripts: 2

Anthony Cawood - Scripts: 5
Gary Howell - Scripts: 5
Richard D. Kinsella - Scripts: 5
Alex Brauck - Scripts: 5
Joe Garza - Scripts: 5
Steve McDonell - Scripts: 5
Zack Akers TAS:- Scripts: 5
Frank MacCrory - Scripts: 5
Hank Biro - Scripts: 5
Javier Torregrosa - Scripts: 5
Kevin Lenihan/Dena McKinnon  - Scripts: 4
Jeff Bush - Scripts: 3
Khamanna Iskandarova - Scripts: 2
Pete Lane - Scripts: 1

Note: TAS - Total Average Score
While Libby and David scored higher than John and Matthew, they only wrote two scripts. The remaining are in order by number of scripts written.

Warren and Matthew to each receive a crappy mug.  This was Matthew's first win ever.

Hank. Your read participation level was woefully lacking. It is a real screw you to everyone who put in the effort to read all of your scripts. Not reading others is really outside the spirit of the OWC.

My Scripts can all be seen here:

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eldave1  -  July 13th, 2019, 8:57pm
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Private Message Reply: 466 - 506
Posted: July 13th, 2019, 8:37pm Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

A man who has taught his mind to misbehave

Sydney, Australia
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Happy days

Thanks, Sean for running a cracking tourney. I produced 3 scripts I'm really proud of that would never have come to be outside of the WT.

Thanks, Don for SS. I love this place. I'd call it my second home, but I think I spend more time here than in the real world

Congrats, Paul, you're a bloody good writer and not easy to best when you're all guns-a-blazing. We got the 1 and 2

Congrats, Rene, you had some great scripts as well, I think if you stayed more in the lines you may have been further up still. But like Libby said, sometimes to get a great script it means going outside said lines.

Congrats, Matthew, I think your learning curve has been pretty insane. We will all need to watch our backs in the future. Some good writing on display.

Congrats, John, obviously I wasn't the biggest fan of most of your scripts, but it's about the group not the individual, your review of Belly of the Beast can attest to that :p

And congrats to all who slogged it out, it wasn't easy by any stretch of the imagination. Sean really tested everyone.

Time for a holiday.

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Warren  -  July 13th, 2019, 8:50pm
Private Message Reply: 467 - 506
Posted: July 13th, 2019, 8:49pm Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

A man who has taught his mind to misbehave

Sydney, Australia
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Quoted from eldave1

Warren - epic.

Thanks, Dave

Private Message Reply: 468 - 506
Posted: July 13th, 2019, 8:49pm Report to Moderator
Old Timer

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So Paul no single word in his threads.

Sorry, just saying


Private Message Reply: 469 - 506
Posted: July 13th, 2019, 9:14pm Report to Moderator

The Great Southern Land
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To all the top placegetters, big congrats and well deserved!

Obviously I'm quite chuffed with how I did on my two entries.

Not bad considering I was back and forth to hospital with my seriously ill Mum during tourney time, (touch and go for a while there), and that I also got sick myself.

Writing a couple of scripts and then quite a few half-scripts in between calling ambulances and doctor appointments and bedside vigils helped keep my mind distracted and gave me little reprieves from what was a truly awful time, so thank you, SS people. Miraculously Mum's now out of the woods and in rehab.

Dare I say, look out guys and girls for the next tournament!  
Well, that's the plan...

My kingdom for a mug continues.  

Private Message Reply: 470 - 506
Posted: July 13th, 2019, 9:52pm Report to Moderator
January Project Group

Southern California
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Quoted from LC
To all the top placegetters, big congrats and well deserved!

Obviously I'm quite chuffed with how I did on my two entries.

Not bad considering I was back and forth to hospital with my seriously ill Mum during tourney time, (touch and go for a while there), and that I also got sick myself.

Writing a couple of scripts and then quite a few half-scripts in between calling ambulances and doctor appointments and bedside vigils helped keep my mind distracted and gave me little reprieves from what was a truly awful time, so thank you, SS people. Miraculously Mum's now out of the woods and in rehab.

Dare I say, look out guys and girls for the next tournament!  
Well, that's the plan...

My kingdom for a mug continues.  

So glad to hear that your mom is alright Libby. Just went through a fall and pelvic fracture in two months of rehab with my mom. She's back to normal now too. Glad yours is as well. On the brighter side, I've never heard the word Chubb before. Must mean proud or happy.

My Scripts can all be seen here:
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Private Message Reply: 471 - 506
Posted: July 13th, 2019, 10:00pm Report to Moderator
Old Timer

No sh*t, there I was....

Tucson, AZ
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Congrats on taking top honors, Warren!

Quoted from Warren

Congrats, John, obviously I wasn't the biggest fan of most of your scripts, but it's about the group not the individual, your review of Belly of the Beast can attest to that :p

And the kind words, too. Back at ya, mate

Libby - Happy to hear that your mother is doing well!
Private Message Reply: 472 - 506
Mr. Blonde
Posted: July 13th, 2019, 10:08pm Report to Moderator

What good are choices if they're all bad?

Nowhere special.
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While I appreciate those of you thanking me for this, this wasn't me in charge and I can't pretend to take credit for it. I tried to keep up with it, but things worked out in a really bad way with bad timing. This was 100% Don and he is owed a huge thank from me for everything, for keeping things in line and staying up to date on this.

I would also like to say both a thank you and a congratulations to everyone for participating and sticking with it. I know first-hand what a Goddamn pain in the ass this is and, to stick with it, with all the constraints put on you, you all deserve it.

Some other news: this will be my last year running this. I love running it and giving everyone these topics to write and inspire creativity, but each of the last two years, something major has come up with has taken my attention away from it, when my attention should be squarely on this and I have no reason to believe something like that wouldn't happen again in the future. It was wonderful and I really enjoyed it, but the risk of something going wrong at a critical juncture is too high.

Thank you and I hope you all had fun and got something out of this.

Private Message Reply: 473 - 506
Posted: July 13th, 2019, 10:19pm Report to Moderator
January Project Group

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Quoted from PrussianMosby
So Paul no single word in his threads.

Sorry, just saying


Just picking up on all the fun. Was out for the evening.

Congratulations to all who competed and finished. Much respect.

Proud of my second place. This place is helping me get better. So, thanks to everyone.

Mad props to Warren. What a showing!

Can’t wait till next year.

Five Must Die - Low budget, contained horror thriller/Feature
The Hand of God - Low budget, semi-contained thriller/Feature
Wait Till Next Year - Disney-style family sports comedy/Feature

Many shorts available for production: comedy, thriller, drama, light horror
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Private Message Reply: 474 - 506
Posted: July 13th, 2019, 10:46pm Report to Moderator

The Great Southern Land
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Thanks Dave, and John, for your well wishes.  And, I'm very happy your Mom is on the up and up too. Dave.

John, Off Grid is in my top 3 overall scripts for the Tournament.  Loved it! As I said in my review...

Dave ( I think your auto-correct doesn't recognise the word either)   chuffed yes, means pretty pleased, proud  - of Brit origin and by extension adopted by Aussies.

Dave, re Hank, I think he might have been penalised in some way actually. It says he had five entries but I don't see them all in the standings. It's a shame really. Hank, I wish you'd get involved more... We really can be nice and very helpful. We just appreciate a bit of quid pro quo.

Blondie, commiserations. You just never can tell when unexpected things are going to throw a spanner in the works - (just like they did for me too) but regardless of what you say we all know you did put a lot of thought and work into this Tournament (along with Don, of course) and we appreciate you.

Who's going to carry the torch now is the question?
Not me. I want another go at it next time.

Ooh, not to forget... Congrats to Zack, third place in the final round! I seem to recall you were almost going to pike out this round. Bet you're glad you didn't.

Revision History (1 edits)
LC  -  July 13th, 2019, 10:56pm
Private Message Reply: 475 - 506
ghost and_ghostie gal
Posted: July 14th, 2019, 2:04am Report to Moderator
Old Timer

Long way from LA...
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Geez, LC,  didn't know about your Mom.  Great news to hear she's doing well.  Best wishes girl. -Andrea

Private Message Reply: 476 - 506
ghost and_ghostie gal
Posted: July 14th, 2019, 2:41am Report to Moderator
Old Timer

Long way from LA...
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Oh... how rude of me...    Congratulations to all... job well done.   And a special congrats to the Warren, and the runner-ups. -Andrea

Private Message Reply: 477 - 506
Posted: July 14th, 2019, 4:50am Report to Moderator

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"Off Grid" was really amazing. I knew it will top the list. Well done John. Now I m officially your fan.

"New Present" was another one I liked most. Congratulations Warren for getting the first place. "The Belly of the Beast" was also amazing.

Congratulations to all the winners. You all did an amazing job. The job was challenging, yet you guys nailed it.
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Private Message Reply: 478 - 506
Posted: July 14th, 2019, 5:15am Report to Moderator

The Great Southern Land
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Geez, LC,  didn't know about your Mom.  Great news to hear she's doing well.  Best wishes girl. -Andrea

Thanks so much Andrea.

Private Message Reply: 479 - 506
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