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Thank you so much for being a steady hand and objective observer on what is going on.
I appreciate your support and you (and Bert, and Pia, and Sean, and LC and countless others too numerous to list) are the reason we continue to do this to the best of our ability in the face of cowardly, lying bastards who seek to impugn this body of people who want to write good stories that someone will buy and produce.
I also appreciate the fact you realize how much on the razors edge this all is. Literally, the only reason this discussion board still exists is because of the moderators and people like you who keep coming back and supporting the site.
Don Boose
Thanks to you Don for keeping this cool house open. It's the best.
Dave, you're a smart guy...I know that, but what you're saying about the Bell Curve is not correct.
This is not some cream of the crop dream team, writing their best scripts. Many write it in an hour, 3 hours, whatever...anything to get a script in. The Bell Curve should prove out in this scenario.
If you asked the American population to name the judges sitting on the Supreme Court, one would expect a normal bell curve distribution of the results. If you ask the same question 2 a group a Law School students you would not get a bell curve distribution. It would be more of what they called a power graph. Everyone who participated in the challenge write scripts with a high concentration of people who have participated in the challenge before. I don't think that yields a classic bell curve distribution. At the end of the day, I guess neither one of us truly knows since we don't chart the stuff. It would be an interesting data set to see.
Maths was never my strongpoint... as soon as it moved into pythagoras and complicated algebra, I gave up. I've also forgotten all the rest aside from the basics.
However, even if Jeff is correct with the numbers, then it is possible that my theory on the psychology of the reviewers may be the reason. Many writers that had weaknesses in their own criteria would have been easier on the other writers - in the hope that they also get a 5.
So, people were getting 5s when they should have had 1s.
It is a factor that has not been counted in. I don't know how to do that. Well, I probably could.... I just can't be arsed as maths hurts my head.
Warren, I doubt very much an Aussie standoff at the end of this tournament. I doubt I'll have the points and honestly, I'm not at your level of creating story consistently, yet. You and others have that over me at the moment. That comes wiith practice. I've watched you evolve fast with your writing cause you're at it all the time. Same with other top-notch writers on SS - Dustin, Dena, Pia, Dave, Rick, you're all at it all the time and the development and the effort shows.
I don't presume I'll still be up the top as the end, I hope I am, but this is a long slog with some real quality writers.
I just meant 1 and 2 for the round still cool.
Thanks for the compliment, I'd like to nominate Paul to go into that pool of writers. I actually thought your script was his. You might not know it but that means a lot in my books, probably doesn't count for too much, but anyway.
Thanks for the love people - I didn't put up that post to have my ego stroked, honest
I guess I looked at the thread at the wrong time, the latest posts were calling people rats and insinuating that a writer commenting on his own script thread was somehow nefarious. I sat there for a few minutes thinking "Wtf is going on? I thought we were adult writers, competing in a fun tournament about bobble-heads and hand sanitiser, why is this so toxic?"
I didn't want to carry on contributing to the tournament with one eye looking over my shoulder thinking "Better not put that in my review, might get accused of favouritism" - "Better not give this a high score, might get accused of collusion" - "I hope I don't top the rankings next round, I'll have fingers pointed at me, or slammed for not deserving the spot"
Bell curve - People are aware that you can still have a bell curve with a low standard deviation, right? as in - doesn't matter if the difference between top and bottom is 1.75 or 3.0 - with normal distribution it still creates a bell curve, one would just be thinner and taller than the other.
Oh and I want to echo something LC said about making the parameters a little more production friendly - Aeroplane location may be fun to write, but I can image expensive as hell for a 5 minute short - I wouldn't want to reduce the difficulty, but more budget friendly locations might be nice - after all, if we get usable shorts from this AND still keep it as a challenge, win-win.
Thanks for the compliment, I'd like to nominate Paul to go into that pool of writers. I actually thought your script was his. You might not know it but that means a lot in my books, probably doesn't count for too much, but anyway.
I concur. I did notice you thought it was his. ...