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This was a touching script. I enjoyed it very much. Helen was lucky to have her snoring husband still at her side as she gets older and begins to forget things...
I did have one gripe about it though. Phil called his grandmother grandma, and granny far too much... That's all.
Otherwise, I think it's lovely, and think that it would do well in competitions or in getting produced . Nice job, Helio.
In your other thread you wrote about who cares about short writers... Well, who cares what others think about short writers. It's what the short writer thinks, and if he loves what he is doing.
You should keep writing shorts, Helio. You do a very good job with them. BUT I'd still like to see a feature from you.
Award winning screenwriter Available screenplays TINA DARLING - 114 page Comedy ONLY OSCAR KNOWS - 99 page Horror A SONG IN MY HEART - 94 page Drama HALLOWEEN GAMES - 105 page Drama
Another day, another awsome script from Helio(who I now dub "Master Short Scripter")! Honestly, i can't think of a script of yours that I haven't liked! How many shorts is this Helio?
Don't get it right. Get it written.
"If you can't handle people not liking what you do, you shouldn't be in the business." - Rob Bowman
long time I didn't read from you. And I found you back in good shape. What a delicacy in this touching story. I'm sure this one will be a hit and you'll finally understand why we are here writing our guts out.
Thank you for this instant of happiness.
Ton ami Michel
Quoted from tomson
You and Michel are actually very similar in your story telling and I'm not talking about grammar or spelling, but the stories themselves. Deeper than many other shorts. Maybe it takes some maturity to pull that off.
Does maturity have something to do with age? I hope not, othewise we both would be old crones (LOL)
The twist for this you see coming from a long way off, but that didn't stop me from enjoying this little script. I'm a big fan of the "imaginary friend" concept and it doesn't matter how you paint this, it's pretty much what this story is.
One of my fav concepts the old imaginery friend. I can't get enough of it.
A lot of silly little mistakes with your writing such as you wrote "Phil attend helen appealing." or "Next he poses the box on the table. . . " This didn't make sense to me. It is no biggy but just a distraction from reading.
Bit I am guessing maybe english is not your first language.
I appreciated your words about a "imaginary friend". Unfortunatly I don't have any, but I love to see that there is people in this tough world that has.
About the silly lines, I'm sorry about that, okay. Maybe because I'm a silly Brazilian. BTW, I'm not good with English language maybe it has been against me all time I'm writing. Anyway, I liked your review.
I liked it a lot actually. I mean, yeah, it's been seen before but oddly enough, it was truly heartbreaking. It was a good and refreshingly simple story. I liked your writing as well. It was a pretty smooth read and I, generally, had no trouble envisioning it. Keep writing, man.