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  Author    Writers' Tournament Round 1 Scripts.  (currently 14698 views)
Posted: June 3rd, 2019, 11:24pm Report to Moderator

So, what are you writing?

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Where Did He Touch You? by Santa Claus - Rick and Mandy are worried about their son Tommy not speaking.  They seek professional advice but don't receive the kind of answers they were expecting. 5 pages - Short, Horror, Comedy

Head Space by Someone - It's amazing what you can buy from Amazon... 5 pages - Short, Horror, Comedy

Melt by FCP - It's easy for a Psychiatrist to spot delusions, as Monsters don't really exist, do they? 5 pages - Short, Horror, Sci Fi

Sprung by Kandice Caffrey - A couple struggles to follow the recent rules and regulations thrust upon society after entering a new era. It is recommended they attend therapy, that is overseen by a demon inside a vessel. 5 pages - Short, Horror, Comedy

Bobble-ageddon by A guy clutching at straws - A NASA pilot must overcome a peculiar fear if he is to save Earth from impending doom. 5 pages - Short, Comedy, Sci Fi

A Head Full of Lightning by H. Traverse - Dr. Quinlan has treated many unusual cases over the years, but never one who kept her husband in a purse. 5 pages - Short, Comedy, Horror

I'm Being Watched by 48 Hrs. Writer - A man obsessed with conspiracy theories visits his psychiatrist to tell her that he's being watched by bobble-head dolls! 5 pages - Short, Comedy, Sci Fi

Bobblelution by Vince Whirlwind - A young lady's visit to a psychiatrist becomes a life changing experience.  5 pages - Short, Action, Comedy

Bugs by Creepy Binders - In a near future asylum, a young girl, convinced strange bugs are trying to get inside her, tries to save her voice-hearing roommate, who she believes the critters inhabit. 5 pages - Short, Horror, Sci Fi

Virtual Vengeance Container by Anonymous - A therapist convinces his trauma patient of a virtual reality role-play. 5 pages - Short, Sci Fi, Horror

Just Stop by The Temp - A counseling session gets tense when a patient's husband agrees with everything she says. 5 pages - Short, Comedy, Horror, Action

Tucker & Doctor Daleman vs. Crazy by The one that flew over the cuckoo's nest - A man seeking help with his mental state leaves the doctor's office with more than he could have hoped for; a somewhat different hobby. 5 pages - Short, Horror, Comedy

Image Problem by Star Witness - A pop band of teens overcame much to reach the cusp of success, but will a deranged fan ruin everything? 5 pages - Short, Horror, Comedy

The Package by Anonymouse2 - A mysterious package wreaks havoc on a Psychiatrist's home office. 5 pages - Short, Horror, Action

The Doc is Out by Bob L. Head - The post-therapy dissertation is what really matters. 5 pages - Short, Sci Fi, Comedy

Head Case by Tourney Writer X3000 - Henry Kint insists on introducing Dr. West to his wife, but she will insist on much more. 5 pages - Short, Horror, Comedy

Treatment by Shrinks-r-us - A young trauma victim undergoes a new treatment with dire consequences. 5 pages - Short, Horror, Sci Fi

Dr. Schnederly, Mobile Psychiatrist by Mort Winkles - Just your standard psychiatric appointment for a woman and her bobblehead. 5 pages - Short, Comedy, Horror

Never Know what you'll Get by Anonymouse3 - {no logline} - Short, Horror, Comedy

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You will miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
- Wayne Gretzky

Revision History (2 edits; 1 reasons shown)
Don  -  September 29th, 2019, 9:45am
removed script
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Posted: June 3rd, 2019, 11:28pm Report to Moderator
January Project Group

Erlanger, KY
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That was fast!

Don't get it right. Get it written.

Revision History (1 edits)
Zack  -  June 3rd, 2019, 11:40pm
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Posted: June 3rd, 2019, 11:34pm Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

A man who has taught his mind to misbehave

Sydney, Australia
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So 5 writers didn't get an entry in, not bad.

Private Message Reply: 2 - 301
Posted: June 4th, 2019, 12:34am Report to Moderator
Guest User

The Don and Mr. Blonde are AMAZING!!!
e-mail Reply: 3 - 301
Posted: June 4th, 2019, 12:38am Report to Moderator
Old Timer

Vancouver, BC
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Thanks for the rapid postings, Don!

As expected, plenty of horror. Can't wait.  

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Site Private Message Reply: 4 - 301
Posted: June 4th, 2019, 1:06am Report to Moderator
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So, I've read a coupler and my immediate knee jerk reaction is to DQ them both...

BUT...I didn't enter last year and I don't want to grade these like I do OWC's, so I'm goinjg to sleep on it and read exactly what we're supposed to be grading on.

If am entry is obviously over the page limit, does it get DQ'd?  Or, does it get a ZERO in meeting the challenge?

If am entry obviously does meet the "fusion" genre, does it get DQ'd, or does it get a ZERO in that "part" of the challenge?

Looking for guidance here...
e-mail Reply: 5 - 301
Posted: June 4th, 2019, 4:06am Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

A man who has taught his mind to misbehave

Sydney, Australia
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I think I'm about halfway through, reading from the top down.

The quality is pretty good, and the mix of stories from such narrow criteria is surprisingly varied.

People have done really well for 3 days.

Private Message Reply: 6 - 301
Matthew Taylor
Posted: June 4th, 2019, 5:09am Report to Moderator
January Project Group

Shakespeare's county
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Quoted from Dreamscale
So, I've read a coupler and my immediate knee jerk reaction is to DQ them both...

BUT...I didn't enter last year and I don't want to grade these like I do OWC's, so I'm goinjg to sleep on it and read exactly what we're supposed to be grading on.

If am entry is obviously over the page limit, does it get DQ'd?  Or, does it get a ZERO in meeting the challenge?

If am entry obviously does meet the "fusion" genre, does it get DQ'd, or does it get a ZERO in that "part" of the challenge?

Looking for guidance here...

The original thread ( ) said not to DQ - Criteria met is a YES/NO answer - so if the page limit is not met, or the genre, then criteria would get a NO - that's how I have read it anyway



Two steps to writing a good screenplay:
1) Write a bad one
2) Fix it
Private Message Reply: 7 - 301
Mr. Blonde
Posted: June 4th, 2019, 7:24am Report to Moderator

What good are choices if they're all bad?

Nowhere special.
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Quoted from Dreamscale
So, I've read a coupler and my immediate knee jerk reaction is to DQ them both...

BUT...I didn't enter last year and I don't want to grade these like I do OWC's, so I'm goinjg to sleep on it and read exactly what we're supposed to be grading on.

If am entry is obviously over the page limit, does it get DQ'd?  Or, does it get a ZERO in meeting the challenge?

If am entry obviously does meet the "fusion" genre, does it get DQ'd, or does it get a ZERO in that "part" of the challenge?

Looking for guidance here...

Quoted from Matthew Taylor
The original thread ( ) said not to DQ - Criteria met is a YES/NO answer - so if the page limit is not met, or the genre, then criteria would get a NO - that's how I have read it anyway

Exactly. On the scorecard, you'll be able to select Yes or No, if it meets the criteria. Yes = 5. No = 1. No DQs.

Private Message Reply: 8 - 301
Posted: June 4th, 2019, 7:37am Report to Moderator
Guest User

I've only read one so far that correctly fuses genres. As a genre-fusing writer myself, I understand that you're not meant to stick one genre after the other, but fuse them into one seamless genre unto itself.

There are exceptions... Tarantino, for example, in Dusk Till Dawn. So, it can be done. Generally, however, you're meant to fuse the genres, not stick them alongside each other as it will mostly not work.
e-mail Reply: 9 - 301
Posted: June 4th, 2019, 10:07am Report to Moderator
Guest User

Quoted from Mr. Blonde

Exactly. On the scorecard, you'll be able to select Yes or No, if it meets the criteria. Yes = 5. No = 1. No DQs.

Where are the scorecards?

e-mail Reply: 10 - 301
Mr. Blonde
Posted: June 4th, 2019, 10:26am Report to Moderator

What good are choices if they're all bad?

Nowhere special.
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Quoted from Dreamscale
Where are the scorecards?

The scorecard exists, but still in test form (Don is working on finishing it up), Jeff. Did you see the post where I recommended making your own personal scorecard, until you're ready to submit? If you're not comfortable with that, you can send a PM to me with your grades for each script individually, which I'll hold and send back to you when you want to send it your final scores.

Just in case it was missed, the categories are: Criteria (Y/N), Story, Characters, Dialogue, Prose.

Private Message Reply: 11 - 301
Posted: June 4th, 2019, 10:43am Report to Moderator
Guest User

Thanks, Blondie.  I got it.
e-mail Reply: 12 - 301
Posted: June 4th, 2019, 10:59am Report to Moderator
Guest User

I remember first reading about this and finding the scoring (categories are: Criteria (Y/N), Story, Characters, Dialogue, Prose) to be quite odd...maybe even unfair.

If a script goes over the page length max, it gets a ZERO in 1 of 5 categories, but in going over the max page length, it may "complete" the story, which could then get a FIVE, and could contain the only dialogue in the script, which could be excellent, and thus, another FIVE.

And, maybe even more important, having genre(s) lumped in with page length, means you can write any genre you want to (regardless of the challenge parameters), miss the page max by numerous pages, yet only receive a ZERO in this 1 category.

The winning script could easily be 9 pages long and in the romance genre.  This is a serious flaw.
e-mail Reply: 13 - 301
Posted: June 4th, 2019, 11:57am Report to Moderator
Old Timer

Vancouver, BC
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Quoted from Dreamscale

And, maybe even more important, having genre(s) lumped in with page length, means you can write any genre you want to (regardless of the challenge parameters), miss the page max by numerous pages, yet only receive a ZERO in this 1 category.

The winning script could easily be 9 pages long and in the romance genre.  This is a serious flaw.

Actually, it would still get a 1 (Meets Criteria Y=5, N=1), which is the same as if a writer didn't submit anything at all. So a minimum of 5 points no matter what.

You could massage the numbers however you want. If you feel a writer went way over the page limit, then rate just based on the first 5 pages. Or dock points. Or whatever you think is fair. Just be consistent.

Across multiple rounds, these things usually even out.

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